@CASSETTEISGOD i know a lot is users here make it seem that America gives out a lot of things for free, but the reality is America does not.
Oh I don't think that at all. You're speaking to an Australian don't forget, probably the best social democracy on earth, at least imo.
I’m in a pretty liberal state and even here they’ll fire your ass if you say something “offensive” to the wrong person (aka someone who’ll report you). There was a situation at my old school in which a teachers assistant lost her job because some kid said the room smelt like a fart and her response was “if you smelt it then you dealt it.” The kid made a huge stink about it and she was fired.
That might actually be a problem
because it's a "liberal" state. Can't have the kids have their feelings hurt or something. I don't agree that teachers should be fired for things like that, at all. She basically slammed the little cunt with a zinger and no doubt the no nonsense emotions based policy backfired on her, when it's actually supposed to make sure kids don't bully each other. Sounds like the exact kind of mess that would come out of a school in a "liberal" state.
I'm more opposed to technically shitty teachers, rather than teachers who don't mind messing with kids to take them down a peg or two.
I’m not trying to endorse self pity here. Contrary to all my complaints I actually do think this is one of the best jobs in the world. And I’m not being facetious or exaggerating. I truly mean that. However, I am also aware that they are under a lot more scrutiny than most professions even when they are just trying to do their job. I get that a lot of other jobs are equally just as demanding and difficult. Demanding and difficult doesn’t really bother me. What does bother me is the lack of respect because most teachers I know really do bust their ass and neglect their own families and life. I’d never question the police union even though I do think some police get away with murder. I don’t get people questioning teachers unions as if we just sit at our desk until it’s time to go.
Is this really true though? Seems like every single time I switch on a television, some show or pundit is heaping glowing praise on teachers. It's like right-wingers who complain about a lack of respect for police or military, it just doesn't connect with my reality. Teachers, doctors, nurses, fire fighters, cops, soldiers, those are all professions that seem to get universal social praise while at the same time are treated as if they're underappreciated.
I don't think teachers are so above us all and so without fault that questioning teachers unions (more accurately, questioning the sometimes very heavyhanded protections they give to teachers who should be subject to competition and failure to make the case that they deserve to remain employed by the teachers unions) is something beyond your ability to
I also think teachers have some blame in the male rate of failure in schools. The education system moreso.