The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Usually those videos are broadly applicable like "data security" and "don't touch your coworker's bum".
Yep, “privacy”, “bullying”, “how to handle a bomb threat” etc. Most are to do with office settings and I don’t work in an office or with other people. Took me about 2 hours to do them all. That’s my time at home of an evening, unpaid.

Company probably just doesn't want to increase its compliance budget making videos/quizzes specific to every role.

I guess they could just disable certain videos for certain roles... might require paying a programmer to update the software and/or lawyer to do extra compliance review though.
I’m pretty sure it’s just lazy management. “Just get them to do them all”.
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Took me about 2 hours to do them all.

I’m pretty sure it’s just lazy management. “Just get them to do them all”.

Even though the company that sold it probably said it would count for way longer.

It's CYA management. Now, if you touch a coworker's bum, and the management has a microphone shoved in their face they can be like "I have no idea how this happened!!! All of our employees had 6 hours of high quality intensive training on no bum touching." Saw this repeatedly occur in the military.
I'm in my office right now and a guy in the neighboring lab, an Egyptian, is currently watching some kind of Arabic film very loudly, and it has this really badass lo-fi electronic soundtrack that sounds like the first Suicide album crossed with the prayer music he usually listens to, which perfectly accentuates the screams of some Arab woman apparently being chased by foot by some presumably-swarthy Hitler-sounding dude. Now it's stopped and there's just some guy whispering in a spooky manner. I need to get into Meccawood, this shit sounds awesome.
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Has anyone ever been asked to do something unethical at work, where the order comes directly from the president of the company?
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One of the pharmacies I briefly worked for filled a lot of questionable prescriptions for opiates. A new pharmacist who was brought to the pharmacy right before I was hired started rejecting a lot of them for obvious reason, e.g. Oxycodone 30mg 120 tablets as a one month supply of which we would see multiple per day, and she was told by district management after our prescription count dropped that month that it wasn't our job to be the drug police and pressured her to start fill more. I jumped ship and went back to my old company pretty quick. It's for exactly this reason that CVS doesn't count Schedule II controlled substances in the rating metrics for pharmacies.
Haven't had a chance to express my concerns yet, been in meetings all day, but the day has felt surreal and I think I might update my resume. If at this early in the company (1.5yr) I'm being asked to do this IDK what I may be asked down the line.
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It's a shame because I have really been so happy here and I like everyone. Had every intention of sticking around a long time.
I'm at home. I have a meeting today with my potential employer. I already worked for him a little during January and February, they just couldn't hire me full-time because of some budget things that got fucky. Even though my confidence in the company is lower, I will still negotiate the position terms and maybe go for it in the end. But we'll see.

I'm also signed up for a job interview for an office job at the ministry, which might be cool but the pay is almost humorous. It's a state job in a post -communist country. It's what it is.