The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm at home. I have a meeting today with my potential employer. I already worked for him a little during January and February, they just couldn't hire me full-time because of some budget things that got fucky. Even though my confidence in the company is lower, I will still negotiate the position terms and maybe go for it in the end. But we'll see.

I'm also signed up for a job interview for an office job at the ministry, which might be cool but the pay is almost humorous. It's a state job in a post -communist country. It's what it is.

they did not want to hire you full time because they're waiting for the right moment to fire you, guess what man.... you're fired!
Just had some breakfast. I'm back at work since yesterday. Just need to run some errands today and then off to Malta for 10 days. ADVENTURE!
@Onder my oldest sister now always has Pilsner Urkells in her fridge. I gave her side eye because she be fronting like she don’t like beer but apparently pilsners she likes now.

Also, I’ve been sleeping like 12 hours a day. I’ve been on vacation and it’s been raining a lot here and I’ve been meaning to hang out but I can’t get out of my bed. I did do some overtime at work for three days, but I’d go home and just sleep the rest of the day away. Maybe I’m dying. Who knows. This sleeping spell is taking up all my damn time.
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Started a band with some guys. Everyone's cool and we have a cheap as fuck place to practice in the basement of a big old warehouse/factory. Bit awkward in that the dude that found the rest of us is only 17 or 18 and doesn't seem to have much in the way of equipment and probably isn't great at writing. Think we're gonna let him play a few times to see if he surprises but eh.

Looks like will be heading towards some mix of shit like Aosoth/Dodecahedron/BAN and Decapitated.
@Onder good luck with the job.

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I don't even have a drivers' license. Once I get that I'll probably do construction.
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I should have posted this when TB was still here, I wonder what his reaction would have been. Probably the most homoerotic music video I've ever seen:

I don't even know why I randomly remembered about this. He was a soap star in the 90s and tried to become a pop star.

Those fucking groaning sounds! Christ!
That Adam Rickitt song really is fucking gay, holy shit that moaning literally tingled my dick, thanks for that, I'll check him out further.

That other thing (I don't use Facebook so I don't know who that is) is great too, danke.

I only recently listened to DAF's Alles ist Gut for the first time, and wish I had gotten into that sooner because it's fucking fabulous.

I also got an erection earlier today because I discovered some meme noise rock band with a photo of some twink cumming while playing the guitar, and I almost considered making it my first official time ejaculating to homosexual pornography but instead let it go for another time. Today has been a gay day for me.
Yeah. I mean I assume the photo is a shop to some extent because a freehand rope like that can't be easy to make but still.
@Onder good luck with the job.

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I don't even have a drivers' license. Once I get that I'll probably do construction.

I feel like most people could be improved by having had some experience of serious physical work, work that actually achieves something tangible.

I find it entertaining when people talk about people in construction with disdain. The lowest paid people we had were on £2.50 an hour more than the minimum wage. People get paid for loads of hours they don't actually work. You get to fuck around. You actually get to move around. You can keep reasonably fit from the work alone. You don't have to deal with nearly the same level of cunty customers.

Why anyone would opt to work in a supermarket or call centre or some other minimum wage (or even above minimum wage) role instead, I have no fucking idea.
listening to Emperor. Metalmania was great yesterday.
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I also got an erection earlier today because I discovered some meme noise rock band with a photo of some twink cumming while playing the guitar, and I almost considered making it my first official time ejaculating to homosexual pornography but instead let it go for another time. Today has been a gay day for me.
Twinks are totally the 10% for the 90% hetero.
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I feel like most people could be improved by having had some experience of serious physical work, work that actually achieves something tangible.

I find it entertaining when people talk about people in construction with disdain. The lowest paid people we had were on £2.50 an hour more than the minimum wage. People get paid for loads of hours they don't actually work. You get to fuck around. You actually get to move around. You can keep reasonably fit from the work alone. You don't have to deal with nearly the same level of cunty customers.

Why anyone would opt to work in a supermarket or call centre or some other minimum wage (or even above minimum wage) role instead, I have no fucking idea.

Yeah, I agree. When I lift weights or help move things around, clean up stuff, etc. I feel more accomplished than I would through putting some money in a cash register for example.

I spent the whole day today loading heavy ass old TVs and boxes into a truck so I know what you mean...I could do that every day and I'd enjoy it a lot more than school.
I feel like most people could be improved by having had some experience of serious physical work, work that actually achieves something tangible.

I find it entertaining when people talk about people in construction with disdain. The lowest paid people we had were on £2.50 an hour more than the minimum wage. People get paid for loads of hours they don't actually work. You get to fuck around. You actually get to move around. You can keep reasonably fit from the work alone. You don't have to deal with nearly the same level of cunty customers.

Why anyone would opt to work in a supermarket or call centre or some other minimum wage (or even above minimum wage) role instead, I have no fucking idea.

Yeah, being able to pass something and be like "Look at that BIG FUCKING THING I HELPED BUILD" is more fulfilling than "Price check on Aisle 5". But the latter is still very needed. Until the robots can do it better anyway.
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