The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Fucking amateurs still getting hangovers. Take a multivitamin before you pass out. Best hangover preventative ever.

I read that hangovers happen because the liver has to convert alcohol into more poisonous forms before it can break it down. Take it this way, your liver isn't fucked yet.

My suggestion would be to drink a fuckton of water plus the vitamin as long as you have a strong stomach.
My understanding is that your blood sugar is really high while consuming alcohol and then drops while you sleep (or pass out lol) combined with dehydration causing the weakness and nausea...but I’m no doctor
On the rare occasion I get a hangover....

Men's multivitamin + Advil + Magnesium + Feverfew + Gatorade

I take three of the five of those daily anyway though.
I literally just eat a mango or some berries and sleep.

I eat stupid amounts of berries now. Anyone go through phases of eating a ton of something a lot and then stop? I do that. Quite a bit.
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I literally just eat a mango or some berries and sleep.

I eat stupid amounts of berries now. Anyone go through phases of eating a ton of something a lot and then stop? I do that. Quite a bit.

Yeah I also eat a ton of mangoes and berries. Also walnuts, hazelnuts, figs and eggs

Hangover cure is just massive amounts of water and a cup of coffee for me
Water/adequate hydration, exercise and sleep/time are the only things that make a difference to me.

99% sure all the multivitamin bullshit is nothing more than a placebo but I guess if fairy tale nonsense works for some people they may as well stick to it.
Take multivitamins, sometimes just split them directly in half so do not have to buy it as much. Am prescribed 5000 mg's of Vitamin D-3, but just buy it myself because it is less expensive, some other stuff I take, Magnesium,Co-Q-10 and Iron, do not take the iron or co q as much as the other stuff, placebos or not who knows
Take multivitamins, sometimes just split them directly in half so do not have to buy it as much. Am prescribed 5000 mg's of Vitamin D-3, but just buy it myself because it is less expensive, some other stuff I take, Magnesium,Co-Q-10 and Iron, do not take the iron or co q as much as the other stuff, placebos or not who knows

That's a different kind of pills to what I expected tbh.
That's a different kind of pills to what I expected tbh.

If he's being prescribed Vitamin D, he's probably got quite a few other non-vitamin prescriptions. It's one of those things that American doctors throw in to a prescription pile because why not.

Multivitamins are in any case more and more being proven to be a joke.
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