The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I stopped watching The Walking Dead after season 3 or something. It gets really tedious to keep up with, and there were some really annoying characters (that I think died at this point). It's one of those shows that has gone on for too long, imo. It was good but the novelty has been just played out at this point.

I've been binging the fuck out of Naruto. I want to finish the original and then move onto Naruto Shippuden. I've been addicted, but shit I really love corny uplifting speeches with some awesome fight scenes. I'm at the middle of season 3 (Netflix is taking off Naruto September 1 so I want to be done with it. They only have up until season 3, but I'll just order season 4 and season 5 and the Shippuden series).

Also, I've got back to work blues a bit. I have like a week and a half left of doing nothing, but I've been ordering notebooks, folders, pencils and a new sharpner for my classroom. I don't want these kids coming in the first day (which happens every fucking year) with the latest trendy sneakers on but no book or folder or even a goddamn pencil. So to avoid that nonsense and me running up my damn blood pressure, they'll be receiving an accordion folder a three subject notebook for my class, and a fucking pencil. No damn excuses.
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TWD is just inconsistent really. sometimes they'll hit on a great arc or ep or character, other times the opposite. my main issue was it just got repetitive after a while, there's only so many times you can go over the same thematic territory.

a better use of everyone's time would be the telltale TWD game, which is beautiful <3
TWD is just inconsistent really. sometimes they'll hit on a great arc or ep or character, other times the opposite. my main issue was it just got repetitive after a while, there's only so many times you can go over the same thematic territory.
pretty much this. Some mindblowingly good episodes along with a lot of shitty ones. Haven't seen last season though.

a better use of everyone's time would be the telltale TWD game, which is beautiful <3
... those telltale "games" are absolute snoozefests and are far from being on the same level as some of those good episodes or arcs from the show.
I think I lasted longer than you guys. I got to the season where they're in this highly-barricaded town, after the patch-wearing dude's town, and quit when it seemed to become nothing but family drama shit. Last scene I remember was Darryl having dinner with a gay couple.

I thought Game of Thrones went pretty consistently downhill after S2 or so, although I still binge-watched the entire show in about a month because I was sick at the time. Had pretty good characters throughout but at a certain point it feels like everything moves too quickly/easily for the main cast, and what might have once been an elaborate multi-step plot becomes some random quick-fix asspull.
Watched the debut episode of The Walking Dead last night, didn't feel that need to go straight to the second episode. Eh... I'll finish season one but I might not keep going, don't know yet. It wasn't as good as I remember.
i get hating on the telltale games from a gamer perspective 'cause they're barely games in the traditional sense, but they're way more atmospheric and emotional experiences than the show ever was for me. i'd rec them to people like CiG who probably wish the show was more comic bookish.
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they're on steam and ps4 and whatnot if you have any of those. they're usually cheap af when there's a sale on. you could prob watch a playthrough on youtube but they're a lot more engrossing if you're making the decisions yourself. it's fucking intense trying to make the right calls when you're in impossible situations with kids' lives at stake 'n shit.

the art style and mood etc are really cool and evocative imo.


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they're basically interactive C-grade films. @CiG they had a deal last week where if you per-ordered the new season on PS4 you also get all the previous seasons for free. It might still be active.

I'm not a fan of the telltale stuff, but TWD is probably the best one. The Game of Thrones one is fucking horrible.
lol ive heard the GoT one is horrible tbf. i like the wolf among us a lot though. melancholy noirs about struggling outcasts and dead whores are pretty up my street, especially when the lore is rich.
i like the wolf among us a lot though. melancholy noirs about struggling outcasts and dead whores are pretty up my street, especially when the lore is rich.
Sounds interesting. I think i might have purchased it on the PS3 a while back during one of those huge PSN flash sales.

Tales From the Borderlands
was ok i guess and i have the Batman one in my PS+ instant game collection but haven't fucked with it.
First two Telltale games > comics >>>>>>>>>>>> TV series > third Telltale game

I used to defend the TV series but it's gotten so bad even I can't do that anymore. I maintain that it was pretty excellent around seasons 4-5 at least. The games are amazing though. Even if you remove the interactive element the quality of writing is roughly on par with the comics (which I love) but the addition of choice (or more often, the illusion of choice - but it's a very convincing illusion, on the first playthrough) does a lot to heighten immersion.

lol ive heard the GoT one is horrible tbf. i like the wolf among us a lot though. melancholy noirs about struggling outcasts and dead whores are pretty up my street, especially when the lore is rich.

I played through the GoT game. It has some positive qualities. The original cast is likeable, the story gels well with the preexisting setting and whatnot. But it pushes the "anything can go wrong"-ethos of the source material way too far. By the end there were so many likeable characters killed off and so many cathartic comeuppances (something the show has plenty of, tbf) denied that I ask myself why you'd ever immerse yourself in a story like that except as an exercise in masochism. There's actually a "bad ending" obtainable midway through the game that is far preferable to the way the game actually ends.

I'll play The Wolf Among Us sometime. It's been sitting in my steam library forever.
I'm just learning that a Swedish 17th century scientist wrote a 3000-page treatise "proving" that Atlantis is in fact Sweden and that Sweden is the origin of European culture. How have I not learned of this before?? I love this theory and would like to subscribe to it ironically but if I did that people would probably associate me with nazis who actually take this shit seriously.
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