The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Sitting here drinking a Drambuie and Coke, probably sacrilege to the whisky/scotch guys here, at 4:30 am. Didnt realize it was so fucking late. (or early I suppose) oh well, one more week of work and I'm off until January 2nd.
^Same. I’m trying to get up to get some work done today. I left a banana in my bookbag and it ruined a few papers I needed to grade. Sooo I had to make copies of their work and throw out the banana stained ones. That shit was time consuming so I didn’t actually get to grade yesterday. Heh
i might be the only person on this forum that doesn't drink coffee

lol, i dont think it tastes good and imo most people are just addicted to it since you know, caffeine is a drug.

you don't drink coffee because you don't want to consume caffeine
even though most of your posts sound like you're drinking a shit-ton of caffeine
i think we need to just go ahead and have @arg shoot you with a tranquilizer-dart
you say that as if the foot-sniffing is somehow connected to the meth usage
that's simultaneously offensive to 2 separate groups of people
and still somehow sounding like it was written after drinking a shit-ton off coffee
I've never done any drugs provided that weed does not count. Am I cool?

I had been on that list but in the last year I’ve been fucking off with LSD and the doctor give me klonopin so I’d quit drinking which has actually helped a lot.