The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Sitting here drinking a Drambuie and Coke, probably sacrilege to the whisky/scotch guys here, at 4:30 am. Didnt realize it was so fucking late. (or early I suppose) oh well, one more week of work and I'm off until January 2nd.
^Same. I’m trying to get up to get some work done today. I left a banana in my bookbag and it ruined a few papers I needed to grade. Sooo I had to make copies of their work and throw out the banana stained ones. That shit was time consuming so I didn’t actually get to grade yesterday. Heh
i might be the only person on this forum that doesn't drink coffee

lol, i dont think it tastes good and imo most people are just addicted to it since you know, caffeine is a drug.

you don't drink coffee because you don't want to consume caffeine
even though most of your posts sound like you're drinking a shit-ton of caffeine
i think we need to just go ahead and have @arg shoot you with a tranquilizer-dart
you say that as if the foot-sniffing is somehow connected to the meth usage
that's simultaneously offensive to 2 separate groups of people
and still somehow sounding like it was written after drinking a shit-ton off coffee
I've never done any drugs provided that weed does not count. Am I cool?

I had been on that list but in the last year I’ve been fucking off with LSD and the doctor give me klonopin so I’d quit drinking which has actually helped a lot.
You’re not married.

My doctor is also a close personal friend that would rather I not die.

Let’s nit pretend you’re some bastion of self control btw.
You’re not married.

I don't see how being married is relevant to drug or alcohol abuse unless saving the marriage is the reason you're stopping.

My doctor is also a close personal friend that would rather I not die.

I'll just say it must have gotten really bad if you had to resort to meds. Glad you realized you had a problem as lots of people can't or won't and cross the Rubicon and end up killing themselves or others because of it (or just go to other, harder drugs). The only indicator from others that I may have had a problem was my folks questioning how much I was drinking. Not saying I didn't realize I had a problem in other ways, but that was the only time someone actually came out and said something about it to me.

Let’s nit pretend you’re some bastion of self control btw.

I suppose
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i don't drink as much as everyone else here
i mentioned i do meth but i'm not high every day or even every week
i've heard of a lot of other people getting a prescription for klonopin to help them stop drinking