The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

TB sent the top secret OMNI FILE to a few people via facebook, but also posted it all in the 'welcome back omni' thread. the posts were subsequently deleted by black orifice. i'm sure he'd be happy to PM you the grisly details if you don't have anything better to do lol

No, I saw the pictures in the thread but Manic isn't here unless he messaged TB on here or something. I'm curious how exactly Manic got involved I guess.
i thought i saw a load of convo screenshots as well (and people talking about who she was talking to who in the screenshots) but i couldn’t look closely til it was already gone
Ozz totally wants in on the Bromni file, but he's not worthy. But i promise you one thing, ive heard sooooooooo many juicy stories about you. Nazi(lmfao), creepy, giving people homo vibes, bothering and harassing other peoples friends etc. And tbh i believe most of those, not the homo one though.
Might as well put this here:

Whoever was in the convo with Omni was being manipulated so hard :lol: embarrassing

Me, and it is embarrassing.

Well, CIG does like a dominant woman.

I do, but not dominant men. Sorry Omni.

EDIT: Wait, apparently it wasn't CIG either. Double apologies, I'll just wait for the full thing to blow up again before making comments on something I know nothing about.

No it was me.

Nice to see that CiG is still butthurt about Omni and is feeding TB screenshots of messages.

Typically cucked interpretation of events.

I'm not butthurt about Omni. I didn't give a shit about that sociopath, but it turns out Omni was telling Tech that I doxed him and spread articles about him around to people, and it just so happened that it was Omni who doxed Tech and came to me with this stuff asking if I would use it against him in the GMD as a troll (which I didn't). So Omni doxed Tech and then in private with Tech threw me under the bus. I've seen his screencaps with Omni where "she" pretended to be his friend and so I showed him how obsessively "she" brought him up in conversation with me and shit all over him. Omni assumed because Tech and I argue so much that we'd never actually compare stories and discover that "she" was playing games with us and pitting us against each other.

Once Tech revealed who it was that he was referring to when he accused me in debates of going to people with his info, I knew I had to prove it was a complete lie with screencaps of the conversation with Omni. Omni even encouraged me to make Armenian Genocide jokes while at the same time telling Tech "she" would never make jokes about something like that. From there, Tech was annoyed by "her" two-faced antics and unraveled a series of suspicions he had that lead to him discovering that Omni isn't a woman at all, but a man using photos of his wife (with cropped out faces) to pretend to be a woman.

Tech has sent me all of this information, I've looked at it all, and I have no doubts that Omni is actually a guy pretending to be a woman on the Internet.

Omni told me in private (and made me promise never to reveal this) that "she" is transgender. I kept that secret up until a couple of days ago when Tech essentially proved to me that "she" wasn't who "she" was claiming to be. If I was truly butthurt I would have spread all of Omni's private stuff around this place way before this revelation. I sperged out the day I ragequit, said some dumb emotional shit, and still didn't reveal that Omni told me "she" was trans. Well, Omni is a grown ass man, with a wife, who probably has no idea her husband is using her image to run around and pretend to be a metal grrrl online.

If Omni had never lied to Tech about who doxed him, none of this likely would have come out, because I didn't give a shit about Omni. Blaming me for shit "she" did though? Wasn't going to let that one slide.

All of "Judith's" info on Facebook, "her" birthday, taste in music, taste in films, location and in private "she" told Tech where "she" works matches up with the guy Tech found. There are photos of him wearing band shirts of bands Omni has said "she" likes a lot in here, and the biggest red flag was that Tech took the photos Omni sent to him of "herself" with the faces obscured and matched them up with the wife of this guy who matches all of Omni's personal info and it's absolutely his wife, who also works (or worked) at the same place as the guy.

Now Omni is telling Tech that my screengrabs are doctored and that the images proving "she" wanted me to make Armenian Genocide jokes and that "she" doxed Tech not me are fake. So I just had to go and make video recordings of me scrolling through these messages, once again having to debunk "her" fucking lies.

This is like an episode of Mister Metokur's Internet Insanity series. So much lying and bizarre behaviour.
what do you think? Did you not read the talos stuff in there. The part where i mentioned a convo that me and talos had in PM's here and said "hey Omni you remember when you said this"(something very specific) and he was like "yes, i do". And the times he told me "i have to admit something, i told talos to act like me just to annoy you"
TL;DR Omni is a married man who doxed Tech, told Tech I did it, he told me, I gave him screengrabs proving Omni lied, and it all blew up in "her" stupid fucking face. Self-own of the year and it's only January.
everything on here and the post above it are on point, except you told me it was Omni who told you that im some loser who doesn't contribute to the forum, and in return when you asked who it was that said you spread those articles about me and that one fight i got into i let you know it her/him which you said was bullshit and down the rabbit hole i went.
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maybe omni IS dodens.

i've always been fairly convinced omni was elric, i've told her this even after she claimed he was a creepy guy who stalked her on another forum and started posting like her.

i don't see a screenshot of talos actually saying that apology in a PM though?
me too but most of it was from omni so idk what to believe lol

also i recall she told me he really hates me for some reason and that's one of the reasons he quit the board lmao, i kinda hope that's true