The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I wasn't even watching TV when the effing super bowl was actually on because I was actually watching internet porn

Love Crystal Bottoms
Some random woman saw me making the post bitching about being downtown
She saw me typing on my phone and thought i was a social worker
She gave me a stack of Baggettes and bagels and told me to feed it to the homeless people
I'll probably eat a lot of it myself because Gina didn't want to give me money for food today
I've never sexually touched any one that was pre-sex-drive
And if you want to keep going on with this thing about me being in Michigan, you can always ask the mods
Monoxide child has never posted from any IP address out side of the Dallas metroplex
They'll all know and remember this because there had been an issue with monoxide child using a huge amount of different IP addresses but all of the IP addresses were in side Dallas County (they were all public Access desktop computers) where me and some one else were using same list of IP addresses to get onto ultimate metal
By all accounts, you were flirting with Omni over Facebook up until near the end. Similarly, by Tech's own admission, Omni obsessed over me privately and I never reciprocated. You're a pathetic deadbeat dad that spends his child support money on VHS's and prostitutes, and his time on fictional internet women.

lmfao flirting? There you go again with lies. All Omni and I did was 70% talk about music (he mostly bragged about insider knowledge and friend-collecting), 10% argue with each other and 20% listen to Omni talk shit about people here (mostly Tech).

I would never flirt with a woman in private, subs don't do that for a start, and Omni has the personality of a Cyberman with down syndrome. Way too needy for my taste. Sure you never reciprocated with Omni but you basically licked Talos' (aka Omni's) fat asshole right until the very end. Feel flattered that a sociopath liked you though, he hated me the whole time and I see that as a good thing in hindsight.

I just checked and actually Omni added me and sent the first message. We were Facebook friends from 24/12/2016 to 19/02/2018 and he unfriended me a few times. The day I ragequit this forum is the day I stopped talking to Omni on Facebook.
The closest thing to flirting that ever happened was that Omni asked me one time if I liked women wearing high heels, I said no.

Interesting. I'm indifferent towards it. Some dudes are really into that and I don't really care either way. I don't know how women find those comfortable at all.
Something about the way it transforms the posture of their body does something to turn me off it. Then there's the more psychological angle that high heels are basically exclusively for the male gaze and from a sub/dom perspective it relegates the wearer to a lesser than position. Like a commodity being trotted out.

It's hard to explain but they've just never done anything for me personally.
You're a pathetic deadbeat dad that spends his child support money on VHS's and prostitutes, and his time on fictional internet women.

Ya know I tend to not go this route with things like this (and generally don’t respond to you at all) and you’ve all but said you’re a sniveling coward in real life but what’s pathetic is saying this to someone you don’t even know. I’m not even saying “what I would do” because I did on’t have any kids but I know guys that would split your fucking skull for talking like this about them.

For someone that hazards themself so intelligent, to even think about saying this to someone shows otherwise. I’m sure you’ll be safe in your basement for the rest of your days but on the off chance you ever slip and utter something like this in real life, you’re gonna die dude.

Reposted because it ended up in the Darkthrone thread somehow.