The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Bringing this reply from the Albums thread:

I was just wondering specifically about you and your general path/how it's working out. I'm already pretty set on going the pharma route and my PI has a bunch of connections that should make it viable, but if it gets tiring after a while I plan on going into teaching after. I'll abandon the field entirely before I ever attend med school. I do kinetics/biochemistry and structural biology stuff mostly.

I have my bachelors and stayed working at the lab that I did my undergrad research work in for a little over 2 years. I probably would have stayed with them, but the lab got relocated and they couldn't take with them any employees not working on degrees. My job position was a lab assistant related to helping one of the PhD students design DNA constructs of various types that they could use in their research. My boss offered me a permanent spot at the lab to work on a masters or PhD, but I turned them down because at the time I wanted to go to med school (in hindsight a masters would have been nice). Family issues got the better of me, so for the past 5 years ive divided my time with volunteering for the rescue squad (med schools want applicants that have experience with patient contact) and helping out with a struggling family business (no longer struggling thanks in large part to me).

After seeing the medical field for what it is, I began to realize that I didn't really like it all that much. Not the medical side, but dealing with patients and such. It took me a few years to realize that even if I did get into med school, there was no fucking way that I could realistically afford it. Now im getting a job as a medical technologist in the serology department. Im not really sure what my end-goal is, but at the moment I just need to get my foot back in the door, and ill probably stay at this job for a few years.
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This forum has gone effing crazy

I skip a night of sleep to defend myself against a weird accusation that totally came out of left field (did anyone else really expect @TechnicalBarbarity to start doxxing people beyond just @Omni )

Then, right before I got to sleep
Mr Roid-raging-jack-ass finnally makes a post that ISN'T a roid-rage-rant
And somehow he's suprized when I assume that this post was snarky sarcasm

And when I wake up
Everyone is STILL talking about @Omni
WTF happened to people trying to look sane when they're online??
All Omni and I did was 70% talk about music (he mostly bragged about insider knowledge and friend-collecting), 10% argue with each other and 20% listen to Omni talk shit about people here (mostly Tech).

he talked shit about literally everyone here except Slayed, everyone. And i even pointed out numerous times that what he was doing is fucked up ... but didnt care mostly tbh.

i would say 30% shit talking 30% music and games , 30%beer and 10% "personal" stuff.

(did anyone else really expect @TechnicalBarbarity to start doxxing people beyond just @Omni )
how many time do i have to tell you this you dumb tweaker? It wasn't me that doxxed you, it was some of the other detectives that were hard at work. I would try explaining this to you again but i think sucking toes and tweak pipes has melted your brain down
How many time do i have to tell you this you dumb tweaker? It wasn't me that doxxed you, it was some of the other detectives that were hard at work. I would try explaining this to you again but i think sucking toes and tweak pipes has melted your brain down
I really don't actually remember you saying that at all
@Krow yeah HBB is a pussy and a lying twat. I just ignore his jabs about me being a deadbeat father or whatever he claims. He also claims I sexually harassed female users here, he lies almost as much as the sociopath who liked him so much he created Talos to crawl up his ass with.
@Krow yeah HBB is a pussy and a lying twat. I just ignore his jabs about me being a deadbeat father or whatever he claims. He also claims I sexually harassed female users here, he lies almost as much as the sociopath who liked him so much he created Talos to crawl up his ass with.
tbh its what he does. I wouldn't have a problem with it if you guys were already talking shit like that to each other, but that wasn't the case. Every time he gets into an argument where he is clearly wrong or comes out looking like a fool he decides to make it very personal and hit as low as possible. Its one of his signature moves
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I've always thought that people who constantly use low brow personal insults to try and win arguments were of a lower IQ.
Ya know I tend to not go this route with things like this (and generally don’t respond to you at all) and you’ve all but said you’re a sniveling coward in real life but what’s pathetic is saying this to someone you don’t even know. I’m not even saying “what I would do” because I did on’t have any kids but I know guys that would split your fucking skull for talking like this about them.

For someone that hazards themself so intelligent, to even think about saying this to someone shows otherwise. I’m sure you’ll be safe in your basement for the rest of your days but on the off chance you ever slip and utter something like this in real life, you’re gonna die dude.

Reposted because it ended up in the Darkthrone thread somehow.

Same could be said for the shit CIG and others (including you) have said about me and others on this forum. I do know CIG, he's said plenty about his life, probably far more here than he'd ever reveal about it in real-life, and through his posts he's shown that he's a deadbeat dad with emotional neediness problems and a propensity towards Gamergate/MRA/Kekistani politics. Nothing is untrue about that. TechBarb, assuming his online persona including an arrest record for assault and travelling to Armenia to kill Muslims isn't a lie/exaggeration, might be the only person here that would talk shit the same way he does online. That's not a plus in favor of him either, btw. I don't consider being a real-life tough-guy thug to be any more respectable than being an online tough-guy (and I'm neither), but CIG is just a fat whoremongering loser that snipes and makes personal attacks only from the comfort of another's bosom. Why do you think Omni would ask him of all her Facebook friends to dox TechBarb's parents? Then when the tables turn on Omni, CIG is the first guy to go around dropping some silly little MS Paint image on his YouTube videos, totally pwning and #rekking him, so brave. He's sort of an internet second-in-command tough guy. I'm not sure why I'd have to fear saying anything to his face, unlike TechBarb he seems like a softie.

I've never talked about my intelligence except in mocking crimsonfloyd's "musical IQ" and TechBarb's internet IQ, btw, I think I might have said that I'd guess myself to be a single standard deviation above average, but I'd also imagine that a large chunk of this forum is the same. I'm ordinary. I've never bragged about much of anything in my life, in part because I think it's a sign of insecurity to do so. Maybe it's my anti-drug comments that are you making you feel this way? I know a lot of people on this forum are addicts and I remember offending a couple people earlier, not sure you're any better. I don't consider not being a junkie or alcoholic to be arrogant, it's simply basic default health.
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