The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Listening to Stockhausen and reading this cat fight. @Krigloch the Furious Sucks about your transmission. My car is on its last legs, but it made it through the most recent time I needed it over the summer. I'm hoping when I'm back in the country I can just ditch owning a car and the extra expenses that come along with it.
I wish I could live without a car.
I ride to work 95% of the year but still. Gotta have a vehicle.
This one is new to me, I thought he merely dated e-women long-distance for a while before finding an actual physical woman semi-recently. He's a pedo too?
No. I dated a girl six years younger than myself once.

Also I only did the online thing like twice, back in 2012. But meh.
It seems like that drama has since blown over, but thanks anyways!

It just crossed my mind that for breakfast, I have instinctively gone for cheese, bread, and a soft-boiled egg with half a cup of juice mixed and topped off with water. What has become of me?
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I just got up and I don't have too much food here, I will need to go buy some groceries. Ever since we moved to a different part of town, I have to walk longer to get any groceries so I always think twice.
I'm not quite that bad

What really makes me open a shit-ton of tabs is when I'm jacking off to internet porn and I will open up separate tabs for multiple fetishes at the same time
Sometimes on weekends I think I'm tired or depressed, then I remember oh yeah I'm addicted to caffeine LOL and mainline french pressed heavy roast for an hour before slamming a red bull. The key is getting as much caffeine on a lazy Saturday as I generally would on a work day with a constantly full pot ten feet away.