The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I know it is. It’s from watching IT when I was about 6 years old. And we also had this absolutely horrifying clown fridge magnet when I was younger that my mum refused to throw out because she claimed it was bad luck and would haunt us. It was the most hideous thing ever.

Mind you, my fear of spiders is almost certainly due to watching Arachnophobia at a similar age. That popcorn scene and the scene where it’s stalking them in the cellar haunted my sleep for months. I don’t find shit like Eight Legged Freaks very frightening btw, due to it being completely unrealistic. But Arachnophobia was absolutely horrific when I was so young.

Old Wainds that is fucking hideous! Arrrghhhh!
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It's okay I've never been scared of people who don't like Anthrax. It's called pity not fear!
well i pity dumb people who seem to be firing off a dozen or so brain cells. So i guess were even.

Hardly even, you just assumed I had a dozen brain cells to fire off.

Yo I fear Anthrax. Fuck getting that shit on your skin.

No fear here. I'm looking forward to doing the Anthrax disco (@CiG ), their disco (@CiG) should be really fun. Not many discos (@CiG) could be as interesting as Anthrax's disco (@CiG)
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