The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Wow, you're a brave man to do mescaline at home with the wife like that, especially for the first time.
Wow, you're a brave man to do mescaline at home with the wife like that, especially for the first time.

My wife’s family are seasoned trippers so it isn’t really a big deal. I’ve taken LSD a few times now. Usually just fun. The mescaline was a bit different though.

A few times during that hour of hell everything suddenly looked completely normal and I could speak normally. Then everything in my peripheral vision started vibrating then turning to choppy waves and washing away to an almost static fuzziness. At the peak my perception of time was completely destroyed. I kept looking at the clock in the kitchen and it would have moved like 2-5 minutes after doing a circle through the house. I felt like I was going to fucking die and I just wanted the night to be over. Started having thoughts of being taken away in an ambulance and strapped to a fucking bed in the hospital until it was over which scared me even fucking more.

That’s the first time tripping I couldn’t separate reality from what was happening. At some point I sat on the bed and our cat hopped up on my lap. He demanded I pet him and head butted me for a bit. Made me feel better, felt like he was saying “hey retard, calm down.”

The episode of Bones I was watching also seemed to be nonsensical but I don’t know if it was directly related to my altered state or if it was just one of the occasional goofy episodes.
I am kick-starting my heart with coffee because I just woke up and cant sleep. I was reminded by something about a Guns n Roses concert I went to in the UK on Use Your Illusion 2 tour where there was a mosh pit going and suddenly, and this was outside in a football stadium in the summer, suddenly there was this awful smell, I mean really repellent. Some had done an extremely diarretic fart ( most likely sharted ) and the whole mosh pit parted leaving an empty circle at the front of the stage of about a ten metre radius. I had never smelled anything like it, it was pure fart, diarretic. I remember Axl stopping still suddenly and staring wondering what was going on and then he must have got a whiff.
Those were the days.
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I'm kick-starting my heart with blakk tea after just waking up, and then moving myself to work and having another blakk tea.

I'll do some work as well. Then it's four days off.
Man, it was the best game Ive seen this decade. simply magnificent. fuck arsenal, COYS! feel for Sterling tho. the best english player atm

yeah, he’d probably my second choice for premier league player of the year this season aftee van dijk. he’s hit another level since working with pep. insane game, i almost felt bad for city but it was also fucking hilarious lol. spurs ajax should be a great semi, i’ll be rooting for the winner in the final against whichever scummer wins the other semi.
I just evolved my shiny Gulbat into a Crobat, pretty lit. Just evolved Magmar too, probably won't bother with a shiny though because once I've beaten the game I'm moving on. Trying to basically play catch up with the series lmao.
last few weeks have been pretty bad. My 12.5 year old dog/best friend has been getting worse. He is almost completely paralyzed in his hind legs and cant control his bowel movements most of the time. And he was doing good not too long ago. Seeing him like this is one of the most painful things ever.
last few weeks have been pretty bad. My 12.5 year old dog/best friend has been getting worse. He is almost completely paralyzed in his hind legs and cant control his bowel movements most of the time. And he was doing good not too long ago. Seeing him like this is one of the most painful things ever.

That's fucked, sorry dude.
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last few weeks have been pretty bad. My 12.5 year old dog/best friend has been getting worse. He is almost completely paralyzed in his hind legs and cant control his bowel movements most of the time. And he was doing good not too long ago. Seeing him like this is one of the most painful things ever.

Do you know what is wrong with him/have you taken him to the vet? Pets getting old really sucks. I used to have an old Jack Russel who went completely senile, was practically blind, and had a really hard time getting around. To get down a set of stairs he would just take one step and let himself tumble down. It was sad. And one day we found him dead in our pond (he drowned). In hindsight we should have put him down, but it's almost impossible to make that decision. Sorry you have to deal with that. I lost my last dog (Border Collie) at 5 years old (about 5 years ago) when he got hit by a car. Best dog ever, I still mourn to this day.
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Not now, but a half hour or so ago, I just had a military shít. And now I am enjoying myself a Pint of Bitter, just a cheeky one, whilst relaxing in my sofa.