The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Counting down my final few hours of unemployment. My job at the dining hall starts at 10:30 today and the shift runs to 2:30.
I'm working about 11 hours a week. If my calculations are correct, I'll have earned $1000 by the end of the semester. That will all be money I can either save for the future or spend at will (for CD's, mainly).
I just got done with work and am scanning UM. My mother just noticed my pipe/bowl burn and she's like WHAT'S THAT :lol:. I had to explain to her. Honestly pain wise it was probably a 2 on a ten scale and a tattoo is probably a 5. A friend and I were really drunk and armed wrestled and the loser had to take a bowl burn and another friend of mine would not arm wrestle:) dumb things you do when you're loaded!
I'm about to give Gorguts - Obscura a listen.

Heard a fair amount of it over the summer but I'm going to sit down, put my headphones on and do nothing but listen to this.

It's some of the weirdest Death metal I've ever come across.
I'm working about 11 hours a week. If my calculations are correct, I'll have earned $1000 by the end of the semester. That will all be money I can either save for the future or spend at will (for CD's, mainly).

I worked around 38 hours this week(week days) morning shift and around 14 hours sat,sunday before this week doing nights and 6,7 hours today in the morning and get my paycheck tuesday. I can't wait. I'm a waiter/buser,etc.. and it's really easy and time goes by really fast. Do not be diswasher regardless what. I worked on a ranch for about 1 year and after was a dishwasher for 5,6 months at a crappy restaurant pulling 8 hour shifts 5 days a week making shit money and don't waste your time because you will look back and think wow what a waste of fucking time.