The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm about to leave for a KSE, DSE, and Parkway Drive concert. I have absolutely no desire to go, but my friends are dragging me there. I think I'm going to make them listen to Priest or Sorrow on the way there. :heh:

What made the show for me was Lachman attempting to bear the horns with a slow, unsteady hand and a confused look in his eye. That's all that need be said.
Being excited because I just got my Special Edition of the new Ayreon album in the mail. About to check out some of the DVD. I will be listening to it tomorrow.
I'm googling for shops in or near belgium that sell some nice denim jackets with or w/o sleeves(can cut em off) and a nice assortisment of patches while listening to Maidens 'Best of the Beast' album..
The only Lovecraft/Cthulhu games I've played are videogames, and they all sucked. Apart from Eternal Darkness but that is only inspired by Lovecraft, it doesn't actually take place in the same universe.
Ha yeah I like how Eternal Darkness is good but isn't even fully based on Lovecraft, but all the games that are are horrible! :lol: wtf?

I want to play the d20 though...