The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I don't mean the literal hours, I mean the conditions they'll be spent in lol.

Oh thats for sure. Its starting to become real cold in GA now so its gonna be hell. Also, when it gets towards spring and summer time, the southern US becomes fucking swamp soup so thats gonna be bad too.
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Thats fucking insane, but I understand why.

It's not like a chainsaw cert is hard to get, you just have to prove you can listen and repeat the steps the instructor does, in some ways it's really just a formality that proves you are serious about getting the job, it's only got a small amount of 'safety' and 'safe use' in the training. The certification to be the guy in charge is a bit harder because you have to prove you know how to drop a 100 foot tree safely in varying conditions and terrain. Where I grew up such things were just second nature. My neighbours kid got his first chainsaw when he was 3, sans chain and fuel, (was a prize from his old man's wood chopping comps). I wouldn't say we need such certs to remain safe in the bush but they probably do help, although I have to say the bit of paper has never stopped us from doing something silly and nearly killing ourselves :)
Spending all day in the sun, especially if you're not used to it at first, is definitely pretty bad. Where do you work? Tradie?
Yeah I edited out that part of my post cause on second thought it would be pretty tough labour.

I work as a signwriter.
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Inflation tends to raise the minimum wage by necessity, so it's probably not that hard to get by. Prices are probably pretty low on most things there right Tera?

Taxes are lower in GA compared to TN and things are typically lower priced too. Taxes in TN are 10%. In GA its like 6 or 7%
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