The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

how complicated could it be??
the reason i can't legally own a firearm is because I've been officially declared "not mentally competent enough to perform in the armed services" which means that I'm also "not mentally competent enough" to legally own a firearm, but the labeling was part of my psych-check, I'm not a total idiot

fair enough.

Recently, DC was forced to become a "shall issue" instead of "may issue" when it comes to carry permits. May issue means they just might grant you a carry permit if you jump through all these hoops, know/bribe the right people, have several hundred dollars to toss around, sometimes all of the above. They could easily reject you if they just simply don't want you to have a permit. In some states, you have to identify just cause before they even consider your application. Self defense alone isn't enough. You have to be a business owner with assets to lose, or someone important. Even then, they could just reject you even if you have a squeaky clean record and are able to afford classes, jump through the hoops.

Shall issue means that, as long as you pass a background check, are able to legally purchase/own a handgun and can jump through whatever other arbitrary hoops they have set up, they must issue you a carry permit by law, mandatory. You don't have to offer a reason why you want/need a carry permit, they just have to give it to you.

If you notice, a lot of those states that have a long, drawn out and exorbitantly expensive process of obtaining a carry permit are the ones with the most draconian and restrictive gun laws. The reason some of those hoops are setup is to make it prohibitively difficult for the majority of folks to acquire a carry permit, because they simply don't want people to carry guns at all...all while forgetting that criminals don't give a flying fuck about laws and will continue using and carrying guns regardless. Just look at Baltimore or some places in DC. The ones that will follow said laws aren't the ones you have to even worry about...

Criminals don't fear the law or prosecution, only fear potential victims that can and will fight back.

If you notice, a lot of those states that have a long, drawn out and exorbitantly expensive process of obtaining a carry permit are the ones with the most draconian and restrictive gun laws. The reason some of those hoops are setup is to make it prohibitively difficult for the majority of folks to acquire a carry permit, because they simply don't want people to carry guns at all...all while forgetting that criminals don't give a flying fuck about laws and will continue using and carrying guns regardless. Just look at Baltimore or some places in DC. The ones that will follow said laws aren't the ones you have to even worry about...

Criminals don't fear the law or prosecution, only fear potential victims that can and will fight back.

the problem here is that
when anything happens to make it harder to LEGALLY acquire a specific thing, you're actually just CREATING the black market for that thing

when we had "prohibition'' go into effect in 1920
the quantity of alcohol being consumed by Americans actually went up

same fucking thing with the "gun control" laws
you make it harder for people to LEGALLY own guns and you're just making it easier for for people to ILLEGALLY buy guns out of the back of someone's SUV

just look at the mass-shooters
how many of them actually legally owned the guns they used to mow down 30 people in 20 minutes??
fair enough.

Recently, DC was forced to become a "shall issue" instead of "may issue" when it comes to carry permits
wait a sec, THIS thing made the price of the permits go UP?? i mean theoretically it could have made the price of the permits actually go DOWN don't you think??

if someone was asking ME why the price of a permit in DC was higher than the price of a permit anywhere else
i would have just told them that the higher price of the gun-permits in DC prolly somehow results in it being harder to shoot the president of the united states
Hey Sophii, long time no see.

Heya! Yeah! I've had a lot in life happen so I just kinda stuck to few places that felt comfortable (Discord, RYM.) I'm still the same ol Soph, maybe a little bit gayer (as if thats at all possible.)

I've been pretty miserable for a bit, but today thats a change! I feel pretty damn good!