The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Trying to find album art that invokes a feeling of dissociative identity disorder.
Its something I've felt close to for years, and the biggest example I always come back to is a Fall of Troy album art.
829 was the best I could do with right hand only. I may've just lost a bit of my chaotic noise cred but at least that best try was still worse than either of the first tries above! I did manage to get 865 using both hands. I can kinda sense I'm going wrong somehow but nothing I can do about it. The longer the song, the more I'd fuck it up.
Thinking of quitting alcohol. Not permanently, not out of principle, not because I have a problem (but why wait for it to become one?) but because why the hell not? It's just become this habitual thing, spurred on in part by the state-owned alcohol monopoly's extremely selective opening hours; "Oh the alcohol monopoly is closed over the holidays, better go stock up in case I feel like drinking" and then of course I feel like drinking because my pantry is full of booze. But how often do I wake up thinking "man am I glad I got drunk yesterday"? Don't think it's happened yet. Think I'll go on one final binge to ring in the new year and then call it quits.

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I'm glad I stuck to my typical 3 beer limit on Tues night. Kinda like practising some Utilitarianism nerd shit to maximise fun over the longer time frame. Less glad I had those fries afterwards though. Had a bit of reflux while trying to get off to sleep and had to wait for my post-nasal drip to stop being horrendous!
i've never got a big kick out of alcohol tbh. i get drunk socially every now and then (like 2-4 times a year these days) and have fun and all, but i never think to myself wow that was great can't wait to do it again. i do love malt whisky however, as well as that cinnamon jack daniels variant lol, i will sometimes have either/or as a night-cap if i'm in the mood. realistically it's never had enough of an impact on my life for me to put any thought toward quitting, i'll sometimes go months without a drop without it being a conscious decision.

that said, i was hungover as fuck christmas day and that part i could always fucking do without lol
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I haven't been drunk, or even tipsy in about 20 years. Best thing I ever did was give up drinking beer and mixing spirits, coke fucks whiskey. In Oz we have to spend more than $50 before we get to something reasonable in the bourbon/whisky range, but even shit like JD and Beam are creeping up over $50 a bottle in some places now making drinking a really expensive habit.