I'm just chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool; thinking about shooting some b-ball outside of the school. You know, the usual.
Back from dinner. They had Chinese tonight. Got more Latin to do before another installment of 24. Business as usual...
Speak some Latin to me?
Listening to the song My Hope the Destroyer by My Dying Bride. Makes me emo
forma certas cum deis; dictis certas cum Musis
I don't know what it means, I tried to translate it, but it came out weird.
no more translating websites:Smug:
"You rival the gods with your beauty; you rival the Muses with your words."
Made that up on the spot.
Same here. Just downloaded the new one and I'm loving it so far. So much emotion from Italian bands lately. The Foreshadowing is another Italian band I'm really digging at the moment.Waiting for my food to get done and listening to some Novembre