The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Listening this really chill Argentine '70s prog band called Arco Iris, and about to head to bed. Going to check out an apartment in the afternoon.
What a coincidence. I'm listening to some Andean folk music to clear my head and help me focus on writing some pages for MultiCultural. Just finished.
Kinda reeling about EMP's generosity.

I asked for a catalog, business card, and letter head for a school project.

They sent me a letter head, business card, about 50 catalogs, 8 little key ring lights that project a picture of a guy throwing up the horns, 6 pens, about 100 stickers, and 6 massive flags :lol:

Fucking awesome.
Pissed. Vital Remains and Monstrosity are playing near me, but the gig is 18+, and I'm pretty sure I'd get carded.
Hanging out in international studies class before an exam. There's some chatty bitch a few seats over from me, and it's almost impossible to think over her noise. I'm actually looking forward to the exam starting, since it means she'll have to shut up.
Woo, exam's over. Now all I have to do is stay awake for the remaining 2 hours of lecture.

Apparently there's a guy in my class who has the Lemmy beard. It's really freaky. He's fucking built, too.
Got back from baseball and had dinner. I'm fucking pissed off at my baseball coaches. I'm clearly one of the better players on the fucking team and am not getting reps.
im thinking about what a dog with down syndrome would be like. it would probly have a scrunched up face and a fucked up bark. fetch would surely be more difficult. but with the strength of 2 dogs it could probly swim for miles.