The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

^That's good news CC.

Meanwhile, I must leave for work


I am feeling happy that I discovered that the rotten scent in my room was spilled Teriyaki sauce and I was able to clean it up with some paper towels and peppermint soap.

I bought some Glade at the campus bookstore today to freshen up the dorm. The air in the room tends to stagnate. My room mate is to blame...
I just came back from the concert, my clothes are filled with ciggaretes smell, I am drunk and fucking have no voice at all. :kickass: Krisiun gave the best performance. :kickass:
I just got the okay and now I know im seeing OVERKILL saturday! Fuck yea!
Got a thanksgiving style dinner and it wasn't really thrilling me tonight so I put it in the fridge and started eating some fries from lunch and then came here and typed this run on sentence about something rather innane
being annoyed slightly

about to go read some more and possibly do my math homework for once