The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

About to head to a wedding...

Free beer at the reception. It's Miller Lite and MGD on tap though :erk:

My outfit:

Blue Jeans
Black polo shirt
Black suit jacket
Police issue boots
:lol:Jeans to a wedding? Only in Ohio. And yes that does suck they only have Miller products. Drink Jack and Coke's all night then.
Well my joke wasn't at all serious, but I don't know why people actually have issues with gays or lesbians.

- enjoying my new 320 GB external hard drive (the 500+ wasn't on sale anymore :( )
- awaiting pizza
- took some new webcam pics
- downloading 3 movies, and entire La Femme Nikita tv series (since its cool)
That was probably sleep paralysis because I've had very similar things to what you've described and far worse.

And well I always get sleep paralysis, on a weekly basis, sometimes multiple times in one day or I can go maybe a week or two at best without it. And they are always accompanied by either a terrifyingly but real-feeling dream or a terrible nightmare with a harsher waking reality or a combination of the two. The second which is worse since at least with those nightmares, they stay in your head and not reality.

I've read up a bit on sleep paralysis and basically I will wake up with only the ability to move my eyes and absolutely nothing else. However, I apparently am not completely awake because my mind and my body is still dreaming so I can endure horrific hallucinations, or all-to-real 'attacks' which feel like absolute torture and not being able to move. Calling for help is useless as often I've tried, you cannot properly move your mouth and no sounds come out. Also, as I've experienced vision and hearing are both hazy so you can't really make use of either to distinguish what is really happening and what is all just your mind. It's like reality/dreamworld are one.

I've also been threatened numerous times by both dreams and these sleep paralysis attacks or whatever they are called, one time it felt as if my neck was being pushed to one side, my arm bending to the other side and the words I could hear a strange and angered voice saying "you stupid fuck." It's odd because you're not just paralyzed completely but you get this incredibly intense sensation throughout your body as if you're going on a roller coaster and a very overwhelming feeling like someone is harming you phsycially, mentally, emotionally. Also these are usually indicated that they will happen in your dreams, because you'll start to begin to notice little things in your dream that are 'different' or malicious and the dream will progressively get worse and then as you awake.

Lots of other horrible and far worse stuff as well, like last night's where the sleep paralysis 'attack' happened three consecutive times, I wouldn't necessarily say its painful but its just fucked...I should probably get this checked out, I've been getting it really bad since March. :erk:

Wow. :erk: That's some weird shit there. I've heard a friend describe those episodes, but he didn't allude to anything such as hallucinations or feelings of torture while it was happening. That sounds like a horrible thing to have to deal with (though also really interesting).

I guess you could call my 'possession' sleep paralysis, since I didn't have control of my body (even if I was moving during it). It only lasted for a few seconds, though.

How long do yours usually last (or seem to last)? Do you always wake up fully after it's over, or can you fall back into the nightmare and go through it again later on?
Just worked on some Latin after a going out to dinner with a bunch of my friends who are in town for the holiday weekend. We went to a local place and I got my favorite sandwich, the New York Reuben. We went to Starbucks for dessert and we checked out Lesley University so one of my friends could show us his dorm.
Fuck "washroom".

Though, admittedly, "bathroom" or "restroom" really aren't very accurate terms either.