The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Working at a guitar shop isn't as fun as it seems. I worked at a music & arts center and I had to hear people play the same songs for long periods of time. :erk: And there are always the attention whores who turn up the amps loud as fuck and shred. What made it worse was little kids who would come into the shop, turn the keyboards on and just press random keys.
I bet I could get past it.

I thought you were like 14 or something.
I'd like to know what it is about guns that invigorates you. And I'm not asking for any political justifications.

My political justification is to make sure the police do not have more rights to us because that take away the basic idea of unity and equal rights in America, same with my stance on having a extremely limited border patrol. I don't expect anyone else to agree but thats okay.
Just got done playing halo for fuckin 5+ hours. About to go to bed to an awesome playlist of the new I Shalt Become, Venificium, Ildjarn, and Black Blood. :kickass:
no hell below us
above us only sky


The majority of the American workforce doesn't sit at a computer in an air-conditioned skyscraper.

The TV lied to me :mad:

Yeah. I think the only few jobs that come close, are working at a Guitar shop, or working at a game store.

A game store wouldn't be that awesome tbh. I doubt they get that much time to actually play the games.

Or a record store.

If it was just a little metal one that would be awesome. I'd just spend my days rearranging the CDs out of the metal section if I had to work at HMV or Virgin or something :p "Fallout boy isn't fucking metal. into the bargain bin"

here in the states?
I love you btw. :oops:

Gun penetration?

I'm listening to some Septicflesh, then probably gonna listen to Supreme Vehemence.
Got bugger all to do. Again :p
My bro comes home from AIT today. And im atleast going to party today, friday and saturday. Sucks that my first weigh in at the gym since i started is the monday following the only time im going to drink since ive started =/
not that ive noticed.

the only band from the region ive seen use them is orphaned land. and thats only when the oud is featured

also, that movie just features one band.