The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I worked overnight at Sam's Club for almost three years in the clothing department. My job consisted of cleaning, replenishment of stock and (this took up most of my time) refolding the clothing we had on tables. :mad: There were people who worked in this department during the day but they were always short staffed and by the time I'd get to work, my place looked like a bomb went off. Horrible.
I used to work there when I was 18 and I had to fold clothes etc. It sucked major cock.
I've seen some retards working in game shops before so there can't have been that many applicants.

I'm listening to Diamond Head (those legends) on tape because I cba with my zune atm and there are some tracks I don't have on any CDs.

First time I've used the panasonic tape thing in about 4 years I think.
Updating the hell out of my RYM page since I've been slacking on it for the past couple of months. Also, I just made some guacamole that I cannot wait to try. :saint:
Just finished up my second set of jogging, crunches and sit ups. Now going to play some CoD4 then read 'Northern Mysteries & Magick' by Freya Aswynn.
Yeah. I think the only few jobs that come close, are working at a Guitar shop, or working at a game store.

Working at a guitar shop isn't as fun as it seems. I worked at a music & arts center and I had to hear people play the same songs for long periods of time. :erk: And there are always the attention whores who turn up the amps loud as fuck and shred. What made it worse was little kids who would come into the shop, turn the keyboards on and just press random keys.
Scanning UM really sore. I went Jet Skiing yesterday(second time) and the waves were just massive. I remember catching some serious air and my sides and everything hurt today

I fell off twice it was that insane.:)
I don't know why they would even interview for certain positions like cooks.

'Are you able to read?'
'Are you able to flip your forearm in a motion like this?'
*does burger flipping motion*
'When can you start?'
It's probably for personal reasons. Just to make sure that you can work with the other people and not scare off the customers.