The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Right now I am contemplating on telling my boss to fuck off and walking out of here.

If you don't necessarily need the income, that feel's so damned rewarding.

Two years ago I was working in a costume shop and my boss was a crack addicted idiot who went out of her way to make everybody's lives miserable. I used to hide in the bathroom during my work days to get away from her. When my superior got injured at work, she wouldn't let him go to the doctor to fix the problem (she threatened to fire him if he went prior to the end of the Halloween season). She over-charged people, took extra cuts on commissions, and called me lazy because I was a 16 year old girl who couldn't come into work at night because I was studying for AP tests and my SATs.

Two days before Halloween, I had had enough. I was stacking go-go boots, which I fucking hated, because some twat would always mix up the sizes. I would always organize the box in size order, but some idiot would always mess it up and ruin my ordering, which would result in me doing it again. My boss came in and asked me why the hell I was taking so long. I said I was sorry. She then came back a little later and kindly asked me if I was "okay". I replied, "Eh, I'm just a bit tired". I had had two AP tests that day and I pulled an all-nighter studying for them.

She walked out of the room, and then returend a few moments later, shouting at me, "You don't know what the hell it's like to be tired. You don't know anything. You're so damned lazy." I had had enough and I broke. I told her that I quit, and then she replied, "That's too bad, because you're fired!" I then told her to "Fuck off and die (!!!)" and she stared at me incredulously. She then started screaming at me, chased me out of the store in front of a slew of customers, cursed me out, called me a little slut and an ungrateful bitch, told me that she gave me so many chances and that I fucked everything up, and that I was unworthy of any trust. She then went on to say that I would never work in retail and that I could "fuck off" if I wanted to collect any references or my pay for the two days that I had been working.

In retrospect, I should have picked up the pay, though it was two days. I was honestly afraid of the woman. There is something obviously wrong with a 47 year old who feels the need to talk down to a 16 year old like that, though.

If you hate it and don't desperately need the money (and have other options available to you) then by all means, go for it. It's damn well gratifying.
thats too metal dont do it

To be honest, I'm not really caring if it's metal or not! I'm sick of the petty little things that he stresses over and it's always thrown at ME to deal with it.

It's really late here, so to me that seems reasonable, but I suppose it's like noon over there.

I was wondering the same thing. What time is it in Aussieland?

It's 12:37 in the afternoon here guys. Only got 5 more hours of bullshit to go!
Why do you aussies have to do everything backwards?
Also, how can you get any work done when you're clinging to the bottom of the earth?
Dude, don't mess with the fucking roos. They'll kick your ass. Also, you don't shoot them, you either use a massive knife or a 'rang.