The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

@killbot: i have my "posts per page" set to 50, so yours was the second post of the page and so to me you were bitching about my post.
I just got back from a jog (actually just got done taking a shower after my jog). I once again exceeded my own expectations and actually reached my overall goal of 3 miles nonstop, so I'm really happy right now. I feel like I've come a long way in a reasonably short amount of time (about a week and a half).
I'm jogging about 2 miles these days but the constant humidity is fucking killing me. I want to move to a desert or something.
EDIT: Ninja'd and yeah, I got that, but at first it seemed like you just didn't like my post.
I just got back from a jog (actually just got done taking a shower after my jog). I once again exceeded my own expectations and actually reached my overall goal of 3 miles nonstop, so I'm really happy right now. I feel like I've come a long way in a reasonably short amount of time (about a week and a half).

how long does it take you though to jog 3 miles
probably between 20 and 40 minutes, depending on speed.
20 would be 9mph, which is a pretty fast jog, and 40 would be 4.5 mph, which is a slow jog.
Sitting at work and trying not to kill people. It ever ceases to amaze me how incredibly fucking STUPID and clueless people are.:rolleyes:

youre from california. you should be an expert at picking out clueless people. i mean, gawd. thats where the movie was filmed