The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Um, it's not that I drink a lot of vodka, because I don't usually drink more than once every month or so. I don't have anything but vodka because my roommate keeps eating all my food!!!!!!!!!!!

Um, it's not that I drink a lot of vodka, because I don't usually drink more than once every month or so. I don't have anything but vodka because my roommate keeps eating all my food!!!!!!!!!!!


Eat your roommate! Problem solved.
I just came back from this horrible pub called "basement". Bartender has no teeth and there are homeless people all around. However, I've had few beers with my gay friend and I'm gonna see him again this evening. He had purple Crocodile shirt. I'm bursting! You envy fags.
Just submit a job app to Blockbuster. I don't really fancy working for another large corporation but it's right down the street from my place and talking about movies at work doesn't sound so bad.
Downloading some Transformers episodes(no not the new crap,the original series)for my planned nostalgia-trip in cartoon land. Gonna get me some Dinoriders,Mighty Max,Johnny Quest,Lucky Luke and James Bond junior too.
Found out about an hour ago that I was two classes short of my graduation requirements, so after some frantic searching on the school's registration page, I not only found open seats for the two classes but I'm just in time to attend one that meets today at 5:30. This is all one day before the registration deadline.

I win at life.