The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I have to decide what degree I want to do because my tutor is being mean. I don't even know what I want to do and I don't think I want to work in a science related job now even though I took maths, physics and chemistry (and english) A levels. I've done quite badly in the sciences and failed maths ffs.

urgh I really want to go to another college and have another stab at it. Retake maths seeing as it will be easier having done half or it already and take business studies or something.

I can do resits in the exams I did badly in and maybe come out with Cs and a B though. Maybe. Still don't want to do a science related job!
I don't have a hair dryer. Besides it's a waste of electricity for something that I could let nature and science take care of.

*edit* I'm such a fucking hippie. :lol:
Drinking cider (Jack Ratt), watching some documentary on Aztec religion and learning The Godless Endeavour solo.