The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Well.... On Tuesday.... I will be reunited with my lover and I'll probably have sex at least a half dozen times. Take that!

Actually Tara I'm really glad for you that things are going well with this new fellow :)
I went to the Red Sox game tonight in my last night in Boston. Tomorrow I head up to my grandparents in Rochester where I'll stay two nights before getting to Toronto on Tuesday. I can't wait to see all my friends again and start year two of college.

Also, the Red Sox won 8-2
I have what could be the growth of some on the inside, under-the-skin section under my chin. Or it is swollen glands. Not sure at all and rather nervous.
I have what could be the growth of some on the inside, under-the-skin section under my chin. Or it is swollen glands. Not sure at all and rather nervous.

Could either be a swollen lymph node, swollen thyroid gland, cyst, or ingrown hair/pimple. If you feel fine and all you got is the lump it's usually nothing. I have one on the back of my neck been there for like 2 years. Um, had another one on the side of my neck and had it removed. t'was just a lymph with way too many white blood cells.
Nursing a hangover. Went to a BBQ yesterday and I was fine until the tequila came out. Needless to say, I spent a good chunk of last night praying to the porcelain god. :puke: :lol:

My freshman year, everyone in my wing went to this party and got extremely wasted except for maybe 3 people. One of them had a video camera and was going around interviewing people while drunk and asking us questions. You see me on camera with my head in a trash can.

It was an epic night.