The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

We should do an attack on another forum. That'd be awesome.
We could all start accounts and then get in flame wars with each other.

But it would be sorta obnoxious...

Anyhow, the Everdying forum invaded the In Flames subforum on here because theirs got shut down. But they didn't spam, they just kinda assimilated into the general population of the IF subforum (which is a bunch of worthless 12 year old faggots who can neither express their ideas clearly nor, indeed, even think clearly).
When I'm bored at school I go on Christian forums and make an account called Satan and see how many threads I can spam before getting banned.
We should do an attack on another forum. That'd be awesome.
We could all start accounts and then get in flame wars with each other.

But it would be sorta obnoxious...

Anyhow, the Everdying forum invaded the In Flames subforum on here because theirs got shut down. But they didn't spam, they just kinda assimilated into the general population of the IF subforum (which is a bunch of worthless 12 year old faggots who can neither express their ideas clearly nor, indeed, even think clearly).

Reminds me of Terry Pratchett :lol:

No enemies had ever taken Ankh-Morpock. Well technically they had, quite often; the city welcomed free-spending barbarian invaders, but somehow the puzzled raiders found, after a few days, that they didn't own their horses any more, and within a couple of months they were just another minority group with its own graffiti and food shops.
I once started a debate on there that ended up a 500-page flame war for fun. Got banned after the initial post, but it was the pebble that started the landslide.

Fun times. Baiting christians is fun.
I once started a debate on there that ended up a 500-page flame war for fun. Got banned after the initial post, but it was the pebble that started the landslide.

Fun times. Baiting christians is fun.


I don't think people realize how much fun trolling can be.
Trolling is great when you do it amongst people who have little to no experience with trolls (see: Michael Phelps fan page on Facebook before it was disabled). It was evident that most of the people there didn't realize the guy was joking and they were getting all serious about things.

I don't think I've had so much fun on a board in my entire life until two weeks ago.
Once a week i use my second account on to start a thread in the sex forum called "i like me a good whippin´",very childish and very fun because there´s always people replying on stuff like that. "That´s childish"
I love it when people go "Don't feed the troll", even though they are replying in the thread.

Anyways, listening to Souls of Black. Haven't popped this in my cd player in a while.

It's kinda underrated imo
college starts again tommorow


loads of work that I don't really know how to do all for tommotow and it's 10 PM

fun times fun times