The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I was going to go shopping last night, but my car wouldn't start (battery terminals are apparently worn out). So, until I can get a ride out to an auto part store, I'm stuck eating ramen for breakfast, and having to use shampoo for soap. :erk:

Beats using soap for shampoo.
Actually, with the uc system here, a quarter for a class session is about 2-2.5 months - that's it. A semester would be about....fuck 5 months? maybe a little more.
8 weeks = 2 months
15 weeks = almost 4 months

My old college was semester system and that shit lasted 5, I assumed it would be the same everywhere else :/
Taking 3 minutes out of reading shit for school so I don't die.

vhris: By quarterly I mean that the entire schooling year would essentially be one continuous class (well, 7 or 6 continuous classes). Every quarter, you get a report card telling you how you're doing, each quarterly the grade not reflecting the work that you did the previous quarter, but the work just continuing on from what was learned then. The grades from each quarter would be averaged out to give you your final grade, which went to determining your GPA. Some teachers gave quarterly finals, but most didn't really give a shit.

Yeah, that's what I figured you meant. That's how my grade schools did it. I had no idea there were colleges that did it that way too. It would really suck having to retake a year-long course...

Beats using soap for shampoo.

:lol: True enough.

Quarter is 8 weeks
Semester is 15 weeks (usually)

I always thought it was 9/18. Not that I've bothered to keep track for a while.
^ Well, there are always breaks involved. But really a school semester isn't that long. Mine usually seem to be just under 4 months.
You said it operates on a trimester system, and so does pregnancy ffs.

I am listening to Broken Diode's tape Traumatic Hallucinations...fucking great noise.