The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

zabu of nΩd;10234992 said:
That's awesome, congrats!

Thanks, I really hope it goes through! They definitely seemed pretty interested in me. We'll see what happens. If it goes through, even though it's only a freelance position, it's enough pay ($115 per assignment, so if I shoot 2-4 assignments a week minimum) to replace my part time job as well.
Stayed up late and beat Mass Effect 3. I didn't believe all the buzz, but lo and behold, the last 10 minutes or so single-handedly managed to ruin what was up until that point one of the best RPG series in recent memory. Jesus fucking christ what on earth were they thinking.
zabu of nΩd;10235107 said:
^ yeah that shit sucks.

What's your job?

I work at a place called Tate & Lyle. Mostly corn starch processing. I dump pallets of corn starch (various forms) into a giant blender and it gets filtered then I go and pack it into bags and put it back on a pallet and send it out. I do about 25,000 lbs a day.

I think I just cracked one of the biggest mysteries in the history of online dating for guys. That is how you get chicks to message you (assuming you don't look like Leonardo DiCaprio, which is true for basically everyone on those sites).

Today I experimented with that section at the very bottom of your profile that says, "You should message me if..." by saying the following:

It appears that this section is rather inconsequential because the ladies on this site are averse to sending messages. So I figure a challenge is more appropriate; I dare you.

The result? Four messages today, in less than a 12 hour span. That's four times as many messages than I've received the entire time I've been on this site. And that's with no initial contact from me or profile views from me. They just straight up found my shit, read over it, and then messaged me. Two girls are pretty good looking, the other two are decent and could probably benefit from better pictures but whatever. According to my visitors page, I average 33 visitors a week. So if that keeps up I should be receiving a shit load more messages assuming my theory is correct about my update. I'll keep you guys posted.
I find that surprising, because that sounds like some of the most whiny, passive-aggressive crap I've ever heard, but if it helps you dunk it then what works...
Who knows, maybe a lot of girls on dating sites have "shopper syndrome" and feel guilty about it. I can see how pricking their "I'm too picky" nerve like that could be an advantage that outweighs the hint of negativity conveyed in such a message.

Didn't you also just change your profile pic + other stuff too though, Rick?
I need to find a way to indicate on my profile that I have no interest in any girl that can't carry some kind of intellectual discussion without coming across as pretentious.
I'm wondering if I should bother using that site again for the few months I remain here in Maine. If I use it to try to coordinate short-term shit or hookups then I really don't give a shit how intellectual they are. If they're pretty, then they would make my day. If not so pretty, then I would make their day.

It really doesn't matter. I suppose it would give me experience seeking out people beyond the confines of an academic institution.
I find that surprising, because that sounds like some of the most whiny, passive-aggressive crap I've ever heard, but if it helps you dunk it then what works...

I don't know about whiny, but you're fuckin a right it's passive-aggressive and is intended to be a mindfuck for girls that read it, and it's working.

zabu of nΩd;10238337 said:
Who knows, maybe a lot of girls on dating sites have "shopper syndrome" and feel guilty about it. I can see how pricking their "I'm too picky" nerve like that could be an advantage that outweighs the hint of negativity conveyed in such a message.

Didn't you also just change your profile pic + other stuff too though, Rick?

I added a new picture ya, but that's it. It's not my profile picture.