The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

no one cares

That salad looks pretty good Grant! I made a good one yesterday with BBQ leftovers. Rare steak, corn on the cob marinated in lime butter, arugula, feta and sesame oil/lemon juice as dressing.
That salad looks pretty good Grant! I made a good one yesterday with BBQ leftovers. Rare steak, corn on the cob marinated in lime butter, arugula, feta and sesame oil/lemon juice as dressing.

Nice! I'll have to throw those in sometime. I wanna work on always having some weird salad available in the fridge to keep my diet more balanced. Need to figure out how long each ingredient generally lasts though.
Speaking of cheese, how well known is halloumi where you people are from? To anyone who hasn't tasted it; it's a salty Cypriot cheese with a unique rubbery texture. I've almost got an addiction to this cheese, it's absolutely amazing combined with any kind of meat.
Trying to figure out what's going tonight for Paul French's au revoir party. Going to Montreal tomorrow til Sunday to drive him to his new home!