The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I want to fuck a virgin in the ass and then cuddle with her. EVERYONE CUDDLE A VIRGIN. Wow a virgin asshole. Thin tight legs and a hole. Lick the thing beyond death.

With all do respect your post could go two ways, 1) you are gay or 2) you are heterosexual...I will be a nice guy and think you are totally straight:p
At work. Been here since 3 am, gonna be here til 3 pm. Only 4 1/2 hours to go... Had some delicious biscuits and gravy from the diner down the road with my boss (who is a close friend of mine). God damn it was good stuff.
Drinking coffee. Not going to be working until around may because the Restaurant is not busy enough. So they lay off a bunch of people for the time being. It's not that I mind not working.
Death Delirium said:
Drinking coffee. Not going to be working until around may because the Restaurant is not busy enough. So they lay off a bunch of people for the time being. It's not that I mind not working.

You guys should organize a union and encourage your employers to not cut labor. They can't fire you or retaliate against you without facing potential fines, lawsuits and other actions for committing unfair labor practices if they choose to try anything shady.
I want to fuck a virgin in the ass and then cuddle with her. EVERYONE CUDDLE A VIRGIN. Wow a virgin asshole. Thin tight legs and a hole. Lick the thing beyond death.

i'd rather fuck a pussy than an ass
i've never understood the obsesion with trying to fuck virgins, i'd rather have a girl experienced enough to know what the fuck she's doing instead of me having to go through the effort of teaching her (yes i already know i'm going to hell for sloth)
i want squishy legs and a hole loose enough to be slippery
i'd rather lick a pussy instead of an ass
I heard about the contract fallout between ESI and Walgreens, how's the company's stock doing as a result of that? CVS and Rite Aid were able to get the contract and their stocks went through the roof last month.

A friend of mine works at Rite Aid and his pharmacist along with a bunch of other pharmicists went up to DC recently to talk with Steny Hoyer, the Democratic whip, about the potential merger between ESI and Medco. I just got into the business so I'm not to familiar with what would happen if this merger went through, but I have heard that it would be pretty bad for the pharmacy business. And thanks.

Stock has been inconsistent but generally falling a few cents at a time, then at times picking up 10 to 20 cents on certain days. It's definitely dropped more than it has risen overall, and we are much less busy due to the falling out. It sucks and I got my hours slightly cut but I have been getting by by working at multiple stores and taking hours where available, making it actually fairly good overall.

Also, CVS and Rite Aid's contract renewals have actually not come up yet from what I understand; Walgreens' was the first to come up for renewal and, since ESI set their reimbursement rates for adjudicating prescriptions much too high (I think it was something like double what they were already, and they were fairly high at the time anyway) in order to drive out competition systematically, which seems to be what's going on here, Walgreens could not accept the terms. It sucks but what're you gonna do? Can't really just lay down and get fucked by "even-bigger-pharma", so I think Walgreens took a fairly powerful step in a challenging direction by standing up to a huge PBM. The Medco merger represents a trial, though, as well. It would absolutely create an unprecedented duopoly and I'm kind of irritated that the FTC allowed it to go through (3 to 1 I believe; there was dissent from both sides of the aisle about it). ESI has stated that they will allow Medco's current contract with WAG to apply, but we'll see if that's just dickish posturing... I can't imagine the loss of Medco as well, honestly.
Took a couple percocets and drinking some Mickey's. The gum where one of my teeth were pulled is hurting bad, seems infected. Not dry socket but man it's horrible. Had to buy some percocets from my buddy cuz Motrin is no longer helping.
i'd rather fuck a pussy than an ass
i've never understood the obsesion with trying to fuck virgins, i'd rather have a girl experienced enough to know what the fuck she's doing instead of me having to go through the effort of teaching her (yes i already know i'm going to hell for sloth)
i want squishy legs and a hole loose enough to be slippery
i'd rather lick a pussy instead of an ass

My sentiments exactly.
i'd rather fuck a pussy than an ass
i've never understood the obsesion with trying to fuck virgins, i'd rather have a girl experienced enough to know what the fuck she's doing instead of me having to go through the effort of teaching her (yes i already know i'm going to hell for sloth)
i want squishy legs and a hole loose enough to be slippery
i'd rather lick a pussy instead of an ass

squishy legs and a loose hole lololol

Yuengling is just ok IMO. I'm very into cream ales and stouts lately.
zabu of nΩd;10254764 said:
what's so special about yuengling?

It's delicious? Can't get it out west?

Its a good cheap beer that isnt around the west coast. But more importantly, the reason I like it so much is the only times Ive had it has been when Im East Coast, and more specifically at a show. So for me, its more of a fulfillment of a east coast metal nostalgia than anything.