The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just came back from an "interview" with the editor-in-chief at the local newspaper, who I was meeting with to discuss the possibility of starting an official blog hosted by their site, dedicated to craft beer reviews. They said yes and are going to set me up and provide the audience. I won't get any money from it, but I write these reviews anyway and post them on Facebook so this is literally just better than that. :p

That's awesome. Good résumé builder too.
Just booked a flight from Austin TX to Portland ME for May 16. I'll be in Austin from April 25 - May 16 probably subletting an apartment and doing whatever's good there, then visiting family + UMFers in new england for the week leading up to MDF. Psyched!
Going in to sign the contract (and maybe go on an assignment too) at the paper tomorrow, awww yeah. And tonight, shooting Gwar, Municipal Waste and Ghoul :kickass:
I'm trying to figure out some ideas for podcasts for my website and being excited to see the Metal Alliance Tour tomorrow. Not the best lineup, but considering metal shows come to my town about once or twice a year, I have to take advantage.
If you get enough of a reputation then I imagine some local companies might invite you to have some free beer of theirs in return for you reviewing it. Same principle as bands sending free albums to reviewers. When I volunteered to write reviews for The Metal Observer a few years ago I got free music all the time. All about making a name for yourself, Andy.
My body is a nightsky and the alcohol entering it is new year's eve fireworks. At first you're like "oh, fireworks", but then you're like "it is pretty, isn't it". Hug your neghbour and we're going to town, BITCH.

That reminds me, yesterday I went to pee and I heard a neighbour of mine, through the ventilation shaft or something. He was yelling "SHUT UP!". My cock reacted as if it was to him and it took me few seconds to start. COOL STORY BRO.