The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Cooking dinner, listening to Electric Wizard, and drinking PBR at my friends house in Florida.

Im getting eaten alive by fucking mosquitoes...So far I have 18 bites on my feet alone, FML.
Cooking dinner, listening to Electric Wizard, and drinking PBR at my friends house in Florida.

Im getting eaten alive by fucking mosquitoes...So far I have 18 bites on my feet alone, FML.

Yeah, that's the big tradeoff with living in a wetter/greener environment isn't it. The nature is beautiful, but the bugs are awful.

I think in my area in particular it's gotten worse because there's been some epidemic disease wiping out the bat population and they're known for eating a lot of mosquitoes.
Drinking a 40oz of King Cobra listening to Devourment. Worked my usual 50 hours and have to be in at 3 in the morning to work 12 hours for training on our spray dryer. Ugh...
drinking Russels Reserve bourbon after a shitty long day

Is that Kentucky or Tennessee bourbon? Im about to hit the store to pick me up some Evan Williams. aka: My goto bourbon lol.

zabu of nΩd;10252944 said:
Yeah, that's the big tradeoff with living in a wetter/greener environment isn't it. The nature is beautiful, but the bugs are awful.

I think in my area in particular it's gotten worse because there's been some epidemic disease wiping out the bat population and they're known for eating a lot of mosquitoes.

Dude, shit is ridiculous. I dont know how some people live with this shit. Some people dont get touched, while others get raped. I, unfortunately, fall under the rape category. One of the good things of living in LA, no fucking mosquitoes.

But I do agree with you, the nature out here in Florida is fucking unbelievable. I feel like I am in Southeast Asia or some shit.

Drinking a 40oz of King Cobra listening to Devourment.

One of the best posts Ive seen in awhile. :kickass:
Weirdo!?!? Whaaaaaa?!?! Dude, for $9 a 1/5th, you cant go wrong. Shit is the best bang for your buck as far as bourbon goes in my opinion.

Fuck yeah Kentucky bourbon! Fuck Tennesse, that shit is whack. Its all about Kentucky bourbon. I'll have to check out this bourbon you be drinking. Whats the price range?
Taking a bunch of CBTs for pharmacy technician job. I'm pretty glad to be out of a grocery store and into a more beneficial job. I wasn't working for a few weeks and it was really getting to me. I'm going to college, but school alone doesn't really satisfy me.
KafkaX said:
Weirdo!?!? Whaaaaaa?!?! Dude, for $9 a 1/5th, you cant go wrong. Shit is the best bang for your buck as far as bourbon goes in my opinion.

Fuck yeah Kentucky bourbon! Fuck Tennesse, that shit is whack. Its all about Kentucky bourbon. I'll have to check out this bourbon you be drinking. Whats the price range?

Meh. I drink the tasty stuff.
Walgreens. :p CVS got in trouble fairly recently for dispensing tamoxifen (an anti-estrogen used to treat and/or prevent breast cancer) in place of children's fluoride. Not sure about those other things. The biggest thing WAG currently has to contend with is the flaking out we did with ESI, one of the big PBMs in the mail-order pharmacy world. They're assholes currently seeking a duopoly with Medco, but we lost a lot of scripts due to a falling out with them at the end of 2011.

Anyway, I should really be looking for other jobs but I really like being a pharm tech; now that I am PTCB certified I may look into inpatient pharmacies though. We'll see. Welcome to PhT club though.
I heard about the contract fallout between ESI and Walgreens, how's the company's stock doing as a result of that? CVS and Rite Aid were able to get the contract and their stocks went through the roof last month.

A friend of mine works at Rite Aid and his pharmacist along with a bunch of other pharmicists went up to DC recently to talk with Steny Hoyer, the Democratic whip, about the potential merger between ESI and Medco. I just got into the business so I'm not to familiar with what would happen if this merger went through, but I have heard that it would be pretty bad for the pharmacy business. And thanks.
So yesterday didn't go well. I was in a pub having sixth beer and suddenly two good friends arrived (I would go home normally, I think). It was hombré and one little chick with him. Now I have a suspicion that he loves her secretly, but she's with another friend of mine. A good friend of mine. We basically started drinking together when we were 14.

Back then, we used to drink bottled beer outside like homelesses. Back then, he would return home and vomit all over their living room. His mom hated me. She once told me she would call my mother (she's a bitch). I said "I don't give a flying fuck and my mother doesn't give a fuck either, call her" (it was true). So I slept on a fucking playground passover, lying in needles. Who gives a fuck. This bitch.

Well anyway, I hit on his girl yesterday. LOL. It was brilliant. We were in a bar with Hombré and this sweet lullaby. I don't understand how they end up together so much and how her boyfriend (the guy) doesn't mind. But there was a moment when we left outside, for a spit or something (yeah, I HAD TO HIT ON HER). So I tried it and she was like, no. And we went back. We were outside for like 2 seconds. Door closed, started touching her, went back. :lol:

AMAZING. I have to hit on my friends' girls more. It was amazing. I haven't tried this shit in like a year and a half. It's so much better than hitting on random chicks.

Then we went home and the guy wanted me to stay badly. I think he's after her and he can't do it. He's the guy who prepares bed for his secretly beloved girl to sleep with someone else then her boyfriend. But I said no.

It was boring. But I was playing with his dog. I normally wouldn't stick my hand in dogs mouth, but with this dog, I can. I'm not scared of it. I push it around and I kick it. Yes, I bash it in the face. My girlfriend's dog can't bite like that. It's a pug. LAME.
I want to fuck a virgin in the ass and then cuddle with her. EVERYONE CUDDLE A VIRGIN. Wow a virgin asshole. Thin tight legs and a hole. Lick the thing beyond death.