The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

nah i was on dxm and dph and i had a really fucking weird trip. electric wizard goes good with that combo lmao
Bah I’ve been pretty out of gas this past few months. A friend of mine passed away after surviving cancer and it really changed my perspective and opened my eyes to how doctors really do dismiss black women. Because of that I’ve stopped drinking and started exercising more and eating better. No caffeine either. I use to even smoke weed occasionally when hanging out with friends and even that I’ve stopped. It’s weird, I thought this would be a lot harder for me but i enjoy it. I guess I finally realize how delicate people actually are.

In addition I’m in school and working now. Finally working on my speech degree. Hoping to apply to the masters program next spring. Sup, y’all. I have some time since I’m on break and this break is a staycation for me.
im sorry to hear about your friend and it's great that you're making those changes! But i doubt black women are treated any differently by doctors and they surely are not the only people that feel like doctors didnt do everything they could. That's something that nearly everyone thinks. Ive lost quite a few people myself due to what i would say was a "doctor not doing their job right/caring enough" .. or like i said, maybe that's just something that just about all relatives/friends of someone who passed away feel.
But i doubt black women are treated any differently by doctors and they surely are not the only people that feel like doctors didnt do everything they could. That's something that nearly everyone thinks. Ive lost quite a few people myself due to what i would say was a "doctor not doing their job right/caring enough" .. or like i said, maybe that's just something that just about all relatives/friends of someone who passed away feel.

As a part black guy myself, I have to say she is making a point. I can tell they treat me differently as well, just from speaking to different people. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how my doctor at the time didn't really take me seriously when I got gonorhea four years ago.
Sorry to hear that @Funerary_Doom.

It's pretty well known that doctors do things like treat obese people harshly so I wouldn't be surprised. One of my online friends was a somewhat morbidly obese white guy in Japan. He died of pneumonia after being sent home from hospital. Will never know if he could've been saved if he was still in there though.
I kind of agree with TB, the number of doctors that get into the profession to treat people with any kind of bias must be few and far between. It sucks when mistakes get made by doctors because their mistakes often have more ramifications than the average Joe who makes mistakes, but doctors are still human and as such will make mistakes like the rest of us. However as humans we are also not immune from looking for someone to blame when we don't have all the answers and the doctor is the easy target in most cases.
As a part black guy myself, I have to say she is making a point. I can tell they treat me differently as well, just from speaking to different people. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how my doctor at the time didn't really take me seriously when I got gonorhea four years ago.
i was trying to be nice, but i find it HIGHLY offensive that anyone would imply that any of the numerous friends or family ive lost in the hands of doctors received any better care than someone else just based on the color of their skin. People who constantly keep using race as a topic or excuse for everything they find unjust are rather pathetic if you ask me. And this isnt even taking into consideration that most doctors in this country(or at least my state, which is the highest populated state in this country) are actually minorities. Im going to go ahead and tell you right now, as far as African Americans go .... they are by far the highest "privileged" group of people in this country and they get "passes" for saying and doing things that a lot of other people would get persecuted for if it was the other way around.
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