The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

They already have that tbh. It's called 'sexual intercourse'

A funnier porn would be one that was nothing but people doing shit like The Cleveland Steamer or Table Time
That's almost as funny as the local newsradio station providing live coverage of the fireworks down in Boston.

"Woop, there's a blue one, and that was a purple one!"


The reason for recording them was not for any purpose like that.

For the audio courses I take in college, it's quite useful to have random sound effects that I can use for projects.

My main reason for recording them was that I was going to use certain elements of the sound in my own musical compositions.
just got home from work, and I'm listening to Amon Amarth and reading a book by a local paleontologist about mass extinctions... it's pretty sweet.
I could really use a massage right now.
Epic WAIF post time.

Fuck you. I don't know why just fuck you.

Dude. It's okay. It's not your fault. It's not your fault.

Awesome Fire Story

That's fucking awesome tbh.
My mam had a go at me once for leaving the stove on and I was like
"Wait... Didn't you use that one? You were cooking your soup or whatever on that stove, moved it, and then I moved my frying pan onto that one to cool off"
"... This room is messy, clean it up"

I would say fuck all of you, but I don't really mean it so I won't say it.

Aw bless.

Just had the most metal dinner ever. FOUR different types of fish served exotic mushroom risotto.

I hope you weren't being faggoty in any way.

A funnier porn would be one that was nothing but people doing shit like The Cleveland Steamer or Table Time

Urban Porniary.

And I'm about to watch the last Criminal Justice, woot for BBC Iplayer, and then get some dinner.