The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Alright. I had a hot shower and I feel better. Two coffees also. Should I wank now? I don't think this connection can handle porn and my fantasies are like, so boring. I always think about the same stuff. It's like if the part of my brain that is supposed to create new stuff about vaginas and pretty girls sucking my cock was like dude, I don't know. I'm a writer that has nothing more to write about. Still the same stupid girls from high school that I had or didn't have three years ago. Their sweet asses and cunts. My body is devastated, my personality is diseased.

EDIT: Also, I need a beer.

EDIT2: The phone was ringing.
Ondrej, dude, man, shit, please, write the fucking novel already.

I have like, ten short chapters which I should filter and publish or something. I'm thinking about a blog of some sort, with like a chapter for each post. It would be easier to continue for me and it wouldn't require a storyline as my ramblings (or life, if you want) don't really have one (at all). Isn't that how modern writers start these days? The thing with blogs though is that nobody fucking reads that shit.

Also, the beginning of the book I did is like, a year old already and many things there aren't actual. Like the obsession with horse-chick. However, I apparently still shit myself, so that's good (only when drunk and asleep, mind you).
Thanks for support. I will think it over today in pub. What is the best site for blogs? What‘s with the Tumblr site? I heard it‘s good.
eating a banana with peanutbutter and some coffee
Going to eat a protein bar after that, then try to get my bike into my little Honda Civic so I can take it to some trails. Havent been on trails in a long time.
Confused because my post count has increased DRASTICALLY even though I made this new account a few days ago. Perhaps the post count was transferred from my old account.
Wordpress seems pretty high quality to me, though last i checked they have this annoying width restriction for the blog text unless you're a paying subscriber.
Confused because my post count has increased DRASTICALLY even though I made this new account a few days ago. Perhaps the post count was transferred from my old account.

Nigga your join date is over a year ago. you're confused or something.
OKAY I'VE WORKED IT OUT. MetalAges took all of my posts and what not from my old account, The Drone Ranger, and put it on this one. :p