Themed Mixtape Game Mk. 2

Antitdote - Sympathy of Death

A Canorous Quintet - Dream Reality

Metallica - Fade to Black

Death - Denial of Life

S.O.D. - Kill Yourself

Death Squad - Bless Me When I Die

Fear of God - Red to Grey

Headhunter D.C. - Suicidal Soldier

Woods of Ypres - By The Time You Read This

Deicide - Sacrificial Suicide

Harvey Milk - I did Not Call Out

Gorefest - Horrors in a Retarded Mind

Mayhem - Life Eternal
Antidote - Symphony of Death 7/10

good music, vocals could be better. it's not really about suicide, though. The music reminds of Atheist a little bit.

A Canorous Quintet - Dream Reality

this is really good and topical! 8/10

Metallica - Fade to Black 10/10

Death - Denial of Life 8.5/10

believe or not, ive never listened to this album in its entirety yet. have to amend that. @Baroque

S.O.D. - Kill Yourself 9/10

Death Squad - Bless Me When I Die 7/10

Fear of God - Red to Grey 4/10

fuck me, unremarkable female vox again..

Headhunter D.C. - Suicidal Soldier 5/10

Woods of Ypres - By The Time You Read This (I Will Already Be Dead) 8.5/10

Good shit, I've always wanted to listen to more of their music, but the lengths of their LPs has always discouraged me, which is also the case with this very album.

Deicide - Sacrificial Suicide 9/10

A classic Deicide track, probably the first one I heard from them years ago.

Harvey Milk - I Did Not Call Out 6.5/10

Gorefest - Horrors in a Retarded Mind 7.5/10

Mayhem - Life Eternal 10/10

When I was younger, I was in awe of this track, especially the "liiife eteeeEEEERRRNAAAAAAAAAAAL" howl near the 2 minutes mark. It's a tremendous track and very ominous, just like the whole album. The only track I am not really fond of on this album is Funeral Fog tbh.
Imo that Antidote song is about the symphony of thoughts in the head that leads to suicide (probably due to drugs) check the lyrics

i did check them and didnt find anything even remotely connected with suicide. we could only conjecture its about it, but thats not obvious. the rest of the tracks are much more direct in this manner
i did check them and didnt find anything even remotely connected with suicide. we could only conjecture its about it, but thats not obvious. the rest of the tracks are much more direct in this manner

Bro… do I need to go through each line with you? It’s pretty clear it’s about mental health spiraling downwards to death, and it even says death… pain… self destruction at the end. How’s that not about suicide
Antidote - Symphony of Death
Fun stuff, appealingly jagged take on not really my kind of thing. Vocals a bit grating and samey. More interesting than good.

A Canorous Quintet - Dream Reality

Not my favorite song on the album but that outro is nuts, perfect way to end an album, or a life.

Metallica - Fade to Black

Putting aside how obvious this is, I was never a big fan. I might like every song on Ride except "Escape" more than this. Just not that into Metallica ballads I guess.

Death - Denial of Life

As sick now as in 1987.

S.O.D. - Kill Yourself

It's fine.

Death Squad - Bless Me When I Die

The melodic part of this is so unexpected and cool, welcome callback to the Canorous Quintet song.

Fear of God - Red to Grey

This is such a sweet stylistic blend, RYM tags this as thrash but this song sounds like gothic doom most of the time? Gorgeous, anguished vocal performance too. I don't think the songwriting is as good as the *style* but I'm really digging this.

Headhunter D.C. - Suicidal Soldier

This isn't something I want to listen to for very long but I do think it absolutely nails the style it is going for, stupidly fast and chaotic with great riffs and sinister growls.

Woods of Ypres - By the Time You Read This (I Will Already Be Dead)

I thought this was a black metal band so I'm pleasantly surprised by how doomy this is. The lyrics and their delivery is labored as hell (do not reply to this after I've experienced maximum pain) but I can get into this musically.

Deicide - Sacrificial Suicide

My OSDM apathy trampled by utterly crushing riffs.

Harvey Milk - I Did Not Call Out

Everytime I hear this band, I want to laugh... for all of five seconds, until the laughter sticks in my throat as the naked emotion behind the paper-thin ironic facade washes over me. I feel like those endless descending runs sound like they're taking the piss out of music in their simplicity and repetitiveness, but I also think that sardonic approach comes across much more sincere than something like the Woods of Ypres above; that kind of unrelieved somberness usually feels affected because it doesn't survive contact with this stupid world.

Gorefest - Horrors in a Retarded Mind

Feels a little barebones structurally, but that recurring lead melody is so simple and effective. Great song.

Mayhem - Life Eternal

I'll never understand how people find anything emotional or evocative in these boring-ass riffs. I know it's thematic and all since Euronymous committed suicide by belly-flopping onto the shards of a broken lamp, but ugh what a snorefest.
Giving that Headhunter shit a higher mark than Metallica's Fade to Black is sacrilege, btw. Very pretentious of you, Vegard. How could you hold that mess in a higher regard than the perennial masterpiece by Metallica. And I thought so well of you, Vegard. :(