Themed Mixtape Game Mk. 2

your comments on Fade to Black suck, guys. it might be blatant, so what? A great fucking tune. You deducted far too many points for this 10/10 track.
Faggots will be faggots. Are you surprised? They pretty much admit in their own posts that their ratings have almost nothing to do with the actual composition of the song itself. How popular a song is actually effects their own opinion ofthe music THEY are listening to. This is a core poser characteristic trait. Rather embarrassing tbh but hey like i said in-cr... er sorry i meant faggots, will be faggots. Theyre just a bunch of limp wrist weaklings and thats never going to change
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Thing is, posting fade to black a song we have all heard before is doing nothing for introducing new music, it’s just farming points. We should probably have a 21st century mixtape game because the classics tend to always win these when the point is to introduce each other to new music

Fade to Black was my first thought as well and it’s a 10/10 song but it’s also a waste of an opportunity in a game like this. Is the point of this for some to just to pick the most popular song?
the problem is that without this kind of downrating you just get loads of point-farming as baroque said, which btw was a strategy famously employed by the biggest poserfag0t in the history of the board and led to him winning a bunch of times. i also personally just find it more interesting choosing+discovering lesser known stuff, i wouldn't enjoy going through the playlists as much if it was just a list of canon classics every time even if the songs are good. i guess i get the argument that a suicide metal playlist without metallica would be pretty weird though.
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We should probably have a 21st century mixtape game
Personally, I wouldn't object to this idea, but in 2019, we did a mixtape game heading in this direction where people were supposed to submit songs from albums released in 2018 and it was planned that there should be three rounds, but the game died even before the second round was finished:

But maybe that was also because of an oversaturation as regards mixtape-games at that time. I think the virus-related one inspired by the pandemic has never been finished, either.

because the classics tend to always win these when the point is to introduce each other to new music
I do remember from the past that it happened several times that some people deducted points because of a song being "too obvious/well-known/popular", so I wondered whether this might have been the reason why no-one submitted e.g. Slayer's "Chemical Warfare" or Voivod's "Killing Technology" in the previous round. But it has never - at least not explicitly - been established in the rules that the point of this game is to introduce each other (only) to new music and that therefore "popular/well-known" songs should not be submitted or that - in case they are - points should be deducted. Also, would we ever be able to agree on criteria which allow everyone to easily determine whether a song is "too popular/well-known" or not? BTW, as long as I participate, people could still argue that there is at least one person to whom even the most classic death or black metal song (maybe with the exception of songs by Death) is new and that this person might also prevent it from winning!;) (Though it was not just because of me that Bolt Thrower didn't win the previous round, but also because of Vegard Pompey's 4/10-rating - perhaps I just should have copied his comment and everything would have been fine - and some others who rated it less than 9/10.)

I see that it might become boring, if only or for the most part songs were submitted which most people already know by heart, but as long as this isn't the case, I personally don't mind popular songs being submitted and winning.
It's not about deducting for the sake of punishing the song or the submitter though... personally I rated FTB lower than random stuff like Death Squad and Headhunter DC because I get more enjoyment from hearing something fresh than hearing FTB for the 10,000th time when it's not one of my favourite Metallica songs to begin with. But if people want to give it 10/10 I have no issue with that either.

Antidote - Sweet ass harsh thrash with killer vox. Cool bass 8/10

A Canorous Quintet - Quite sick evil riffs abound on this very BM produced DM/BM/UM/CM track. Nice change at 1:14 ..yeah this is good. 3 listens in 8/10. holy shit l never rate BM that highly

Metallica - The growth/production between albums 1 & 2 was astounding. Yeah it's obvious but listen to Jamez! 9/10

Death - My fav Death album? Hmm Yep any given day it's gotta be this or Leprosy, but these riffs are just soo charming. Like that gorgeous little tremlo pick at 0:50 and the ensuing emotive twists that Chuck spewed forth from his evil heart, shoving his venom down Chris' throat until he (Chris) bleed them (the riffs) from his eyeballs (Chris' - Chuck already bleed from his eyeballs). Wot a champ 10/10

S.O.D - That geetar sound that Scott summoned from his cab was truly immense. That is a great fucking thrash geetar tone people. And everything Scott seemed to play was pure accuracy and aggression around this time. Killer! Also Charlie and Danny! 10/10

Death Squad - Heard the name but don't recall them. Vocalist sounds familiar. It's all pretty cool/standard DM apart from the harmony riff at 1:40 which was so over used it killed my enjoyment for a second or 2. Drummer is too schooled for his absolutely precise ass. Scary timing going on there. It would make for some absolutely none-offensive background music whilst l whittled my new legs. 7.5/10

Fear Of God - l am a massive fan of FOG, post it all over my insta. Unfortunately I'd not listened to Fear Of God before because they were either Atheists or really really scared of God, and although an Atheist myself, l don't like competition. Seriously tho l LOVE her voice. The music? um if l ever have to carve some new arms out of kindling this would make very motivational noise for positive ambience. Nice. And the kinda demonic doubled vocals were stellar. geetar solo too short tho, and it oh, there's another geetar solo 7.5/10

Headhunter D.C. - Wow this is killer! I remember seeing the LP - or another one of theirs around 94 and being put off by the cover(?) and band name. I had a problem with D.C after band names because it was always associated with diaper usage. And l can tell you l never once wet the bed. My big bad on the band tho, I will seek them out 9/10

Woods of Ypres - Honestly l have always thought this band was the same band as Wooden Shjips. Now l see my mistake. I guess these guys are cooler with the kids cause they are (just looking them up) melodic black/doom as apposed to stoner like the Shjips folk are. This is ok.. nice production, sweet riffs/geetar tone l like the vocals too. I don't think I'd buy this as it's counter-productive to my whittling business but it's cool in it's own way. So whatever the reader did is why he killed himself? This guy needs to grow up! ..Oh! 8/10

Deicide - Ah yeah that's more like it, back to the satanic vicious lucifer morning star riffage/lyrics of yesteryear like no others before them.. well. Not entirely original but the fucking tune of the round so far folks! Could have used a louder mix tho.. Asheim had just announced his arrival onto a stagnant DM drum world(?) and said look at me you pricks! 10/10

Harvey Milk - Such a dramatic overtly raw raw raw tune. It's quite clever in it's writing, but saying that without the lyrics on the page l would have struggled. Hit me man. Like yeah. And that last line.. There was Grace...
WOW God damn l love it when a band can manifest some emotion like this 10/10 awesome choice

Gorefest - Ug I know this band and album so well, yet I never would have chosen this. They made a top 10 DM album for me in False - an album l hold in very high esteem. This is just not the song for this playlist. You can't argue with emotions peps 8/10

Mayhem - I've always wondered what the bother was about this album - and I've tried - bore metal riff to begin with, Jesus his vox sucks 2:10 what is that? hahah Rad is being waaay to polite here. This 'Classic' is shite folks. There's nothing here to suggest any sort of progress or new take on an old formula, these guys just put on some make up and you cunts bought it hook line and sinker 5/10 again: the vox are the worst on the playlist

That was a ride!
Antidote - Symphony of Death 10/10 song, 10/10 album. One of the best 90's thrash has to offer. Cool opening for this symphony of death.

A Canorous Quintet - Dream Reality 6.3/10 I've just not been a fan of tremolo picking since the first time I heard it. It's like those singers who over use the warbling effect/tremolo. It makes an otherwise simple melody just sound annoying. Anyhow back to the song. This is alright, somewhat like Windir at times but less good. I don't hate it, it's melodic enough, but wouldn't choose to listen to it again.

Metallica - Fade to Black 10/10 because I'm rating based on the song's merits, and we didn't set any rule about obvious songs. But still. Lazy ass pick. Doesn't introduce us to anything new. It's one of the best albums of all time so I'm still giving it 10/10.

Death - Denial of Life 9/10 I mean we've all heard SBG too? That riff at 49 seconds in just grabs you and doesn't let go though. This is probably my favorite of Death's early albums

S.O.D. - Kill Yourself 7.5/10 Ok another album I'm quite familiar with lol. This has that accelerating crossover energy that newer bands like Municipal Waste are channeling, it was something special for its time. It's not technical or masterful but it draws you in and can be super fun at shows.

Death Squad - Bless Me When I Die 7.8/10 This one's new to me. Pretty good for 1994! I was digging it until the tremolo picked midsections. It's not top death metal or anything but when you compare it to the other metal options in '94, these guys were doing their part to keep it alive. Not bad.

Fear of God - Red to Grey 8/10 This is interesting, what is this? I really like the drumming in this, reminds me of almost extreme prog metal drumming. And then the female vocals are killing it over the top. Guitar is overly plain, but it's leaving space for the vocals and drums I guess. Ok guitar solo is showing he has some talent, too short, and then it falls back into a safe territory. Got a bit bored at the end.

Headhunter D.C. - Suicidal Soldier 6.2/10 raw, yet run of the mill stuff. They fit the genre and don't really stand out from it.

Woods of Ypres - By The Time You Read This (I Will Already Be Dead) 4.2/10 Is it possible to get bored of a song within the first 20 seconds? Yes. To be this slow, the guitar riffs have to be extra heavy or interesting (see Electric Wizard, Sabbath), and they're not in this. I don't like how the vocalist phrases his lines either, it doesn't work to my ears, and just sounds dumb at times.

Deicide - Sacrificial Suicide 4/10 2 edgy 4 u. there's not much that separates this from the Headhunter DC track but better production, and more satan references. It's pretty annoying. Guitar solo sucks, its like just hit all the notes and some of them might sound right. who cares, we're so chaotic! This type of death metal can be enjoyable from a musical standpoint but not when it's bashing you over the head with edge case religious/political crap.

Harvey Milk - I Did Not Call Out 6.5/10 This is kind of shit, but the riffs don't suck AS much as the Woods of Ypres track. They're heavier, the vocal and drum phrasing is a better fit to the tone. There's, what is that i hear, some actual melodic progression? Nice it just took 4 minutes to develop. This kind of reminds me of a slower version of early The Sword or something. It's not quite stoner, it's not quite good, but it's alright. Dig the heavy bass outro idea, didn't nail it tho.

Gorefest - Horrors in a Retarded Mind 5.1/10 Have a feeling these vocals are meant to taunt Burkhard's ratings, haha. I'm also not a fan of this kind of grunting alone, it's gotta have some kind of variation at least. The riffs are below average, nowhere near as good as Death, not good enough to justify these vocals.

Mayhem - Life Eternal 4.5/10 Same riff over and fucking over. It's not even a good riff. Dude sounds like he needs to poop, pretty badly. Not a fan. The bass solo was the only interesting part.
Faggots will be faggots. Are you surprised? They pretty much admit in their own posts that their ratings have almost nothing to do with the actual composition of the song itself. How popular a song is actually effects their own opinion ofthe music THEY are listening to. This is a core poser characteristic trait. Rather embarrassing tbh but hey like i said in-cr... er sorry i meant faggots, will be faggots. Theyre just a bunch of limp wrist weaklings and thats never going to change

The guy can vote however he wants...just shut the fuck up and stop whining about it.

Have a feeling these vocals are meant to taunt Burkhard's ratings, haha.
This song was only submitted after I had told the person in concern that his initial pick - which I really do like - had already been submitted by someone else.
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