Themed Mixtape Game Mk. 2

a bunch of in-crowd faggots have also skewed ratings in the past for similar reasons so I dont know why they seem to be giving him trouble right now. The guy can vote however he wants, if the vocals make the song a 2/10 for him then that's what it is so you guys really need to just shut the fuck up and stop whining about it.
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So far, I've got nine songs including my own pick. I'll leave this open for another 24 hours. In case anyone should need more time, let me know.

How he chooses to rate is totally subjective too tho, like maybe he’s an operatic singer or such so vocals are really important in his world.
My ratings are indeed totally subjective, i.e. they reflect how much I like a song which - unless it's an instrumental - also includes the vocals. It doesn't make sense to me to rate a song which I'd turn off because of the vocals higher than/the same as a song I feel more or less totally indifferent about.
So far, I've got nine songs including my own pick. I'll leave this open for another 24 hours. In case anyone should need more time, let me know.

My ratings are indeed totally subjective, i.e. they reflect how much I like a song which - unless it's an instrumental - also includes the vocals. It doesn't make sense to me to rate a song which I'd turn off because of the vocals higher than/the same as a song I feel more or less totally indifferent about.

Yeah it wouldn’t make sense to impose any sort of guidelines for how people should rate. I’d value Guitars as like 5 points, vocals 2-3, drums 1-2, bass 1-2. But it’s fine if you weight vocals as 7 or whatever, it’s up to your musical tastes. If we all went by the same guidelines the winner would be telegraphed in from the time we submit songs. More interesting to see the songs get filtered through everyone’s opinions and how they’re feeling that day. A song’s gotta survive in the real world to make it, and tomorrow it might not
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@no country for old wainds

hmmm, I think it's time I put on my deerstalker and grab my pipe.


.......we're ready

Then let's go! Here's the list:

Antidote - Symphony of Death
A Canorous Quintet - Dream Reality
Metallica - Fade to Black
Death - Denial of Life
S.O.D. - Kill Yourself
Death Squad - Bless Me When I Die
Fear of God - Red to Grey
Headhunter D.C. - Suicidal Soldier
Woods of Ypres - By The Time You Read This (I Will Already Be Dead)
Deicide - Sacrificial Suicide
Harvey Milk - I Did Not Call Out
Gorefest - Horrors in a Retarded Mind
Mayhem - Life Eternal
Antidote - Symphony of Death 8/10 I've heard of these guys but can't say I'm really familiar them. Need to change that! Really fucking good.

A Canorous Quintet - Dream Reality 7.5/10 never heard of them but i enjoyed it.

Metallica - Fade to Black 10/10 probably the best song about the subject matter that could have been picked. Yeah obvious....don't give a fuck....classic!

Death - Denial of Life 10/10 see above pretty much the same

S.O.D. - Kill Yourself 10/10 yeah see above

Death Squad - Bless Me When I Die 8/10 some buzz saw riffing, pretty awesome, a little repetitive or would have scored higher

Fear of God - Red to Grey 9/10 one of those bands that I'm pretty familiar with but forget they exist and don't listen to very often. But it's excellent

Headhunter D.C. - Suicidal Soldier 8/10 face ripper?! Not sure, but definitely good.

Woods of Ypres - By The Time You Read This (I Will Already Be Dead) 7/10 not something I'd normally listen to or have any interest in exploring further than this song...but it's listenable.

Deicide - Sacrificial Suicide 8/10 never been a big Deicide fan. Very familiar with them and own their early albums but just never cared for them......still this rips though

Harvey Milk - I Did Not Call Out 6/10 this was ok, honestly one of those things I'd probably enjoy more if i was in the right mood or state of overdosing on fentanyl

Gorefest - Horrors in a Retarded Mind 8/10 like being slowly bludgeoned to the skull

Mayhem - Life Eternal 7/10 never been a fan....but it's pretty alright
Antidote - Symphony of Death
one of the more interesting '90s thrash bands, probably the only finnish band i've heard in the genre aside from stone. first minute of this is great, the right amount of technical with prominent bugged out bass and then it leads into an epic voivody opening riff i love. rest of the song doesn't quite live up to that unfortunately, loses me a bit with the ensuing chugging and the kinda bland verses, only picking up for those metroid-evoking leads in between. vocals are fine, solo's pretty good. this gets the same rating i gave the album. 7/10

A Canorous Quintet - Dream Reality
such impassioned stuff, every musician brings some desperation to their performances and the production is perfect, giving each instrument space while also giving the melodies the prominence and texture they deserve. really cool idea to end this the way they did as well, building to a kind of delirious epiphany then suddenly ending is totally in the spirit of the theme. dissection, eucharist and WFiKtBD-era at the gates are reference points so obviously i'm gonna enjoy. apparently one of the guys playing on this was in impergium-era niden div. 187 which is news to me! 9/10

Metallica - Fade to Black

great 9/10 worthy song that i'll give 6/10 for the six seconds of thought the submitter spent on it.

Death - Denial of Life

some real revelatory choices this time, i just don't know where you guys dredge up these forgotten obscurities. but yes it's a classic (and not so egregiously obvious that i'll downrate it). 8/10

S.O.D. - Kill Yourself

not really my thing but the playlist needs a respite from the self-pity party once in a while. waiting to get to arg's pick so i can quote these lyrics. 6.5/10

Death Squad - Bless Me When I Die

this is alright but i can't say it stood out too much for me, and the overly bassy sound is kind of headache-inducing tbh, maybe it's just the upload idk. shockingly i probably liked the melodic part best. 5/10

Fear of God - Red to Grey

i can't parse whether this is on theme so i'll give it the benefit of the doubt, especially as i suspect it was submitted by the person who chose the theme (still keeping the spirit of HBB alive--rip sweet pillowfucking prince). also dawn crosby basically did kill herself not that long after, so there's that. cool weird band anyways, really hit the spot after a bunch of more traditional songs, just when it threatens to be too atmosphere-centric it brings some riffage. not that i mind an emphasis on atmosphere when it's strange and haunting like this. 8/10

Headhunter D.C. - Suicidal Soldier

second song in the last three where the production hurt my brain in a similar way haha, the opening guitar sound is so good as well but it kinda gets drowned out for a lot of it. this is still pretty fucking cool though, drummer's a nutcase. there's just an endless supply of this deranged shit from brazil isn't there? 7/10

Woods of Ypres - By The Time You Read This (I Will Already Be Dead)

i'm not sure there actually is an arg pick this time so i'll just do it now:
When you go don't make a big deal
No dramatics, don't overplay
Cause don't you know that we'll all feel
Better once you've gone away
Kill yourself, kill yourself
Why don't you kill yourself

oh, apparently he actually is dead. rip then i guess. 3/10

Deicide - Sacrificial Suicide

what can i say? they're my favourite floridian band on the playlist. 9/10

Harvey Milk - I Did Not Call Out

profound. play it for me on my fucking death bed. 10/10

Gorefest - Horrors in a Retarded Mind

fucked up bone-chilling masterpiece from a retarded, diseased mind. 9.5/10

Mayhem - Life Eternal

@Burkhard can you replace the upload with this official one if possible please, the one on the playlist is unlistenable in places. this mixtape owned down the stretch though, nice work everyone. 9/10

p.s. come on @EspaDa, let's show these cunts what speed really is.
Antidote - Symphony of Death

Was quite enjoying the DiGiorgio-esque bass but it all fell back into a bit of a comfort zone. 6.5/10

A Canorous Quintet - Dream Reality

A band I've been meaning to check out for a while. Can't remember if these guys are Swedish but sure sounds like it. This seems to be more on the blackened side of things and sits pretty comfortably alongside Necrophobic, Dawn, Vinterland etc, both in terms of style and quality, maybe other than the drums which are a bit basic. Transitions from riff to riff really well. One of my favourite scenes/subgenres so of course I’m gonna love it. 9.5/10

Metallica - Fade to Black

Lots of obvious choices in this playlist so can’t be too harsh but this is pretty blatant. 7/10

Death - Denial of Life

Not quite ‘Baptized in Blood’ but that chorus riff is godly. 8.5/10

S.O.D. - Kill Yourself

My younger self would have loved this in the pit after knocking back some Jacks. Nowadays I'm more likely to be sipping on single malt with my feet up. 7/10

Death Squad - Bless Me When I Die

Punctuated by some really cool Dissection-y sections (Di-sections?) which elevates what would otherwise be merely solid. Loses another half star for lackluster drumming. Nice obscure pick. 7.5/10

Fear of God - Red to Grey

Halfway through before there’s anything resembling a riff, gets better after that but nothing I’d want to listen to again. 6/10

Headhunter D.C. - Suicidal Soldier

Rarely go out of my way for this bestial stuff but don’t mind it when I hear it. If you look past the production it’s quite melodic in places. Good shit. 7.5/10

Woods of Ypres - By The Time You Read This (I Will Already Be Dead)

Cringe. Can we have Ice Nine Kills back please? 3/10

Deicide - Sacrificial Suicide

Verse riffs are great, but not a big fan of the chorus nor the solo which tries to be too flashy and loses the momentum of the song. Still a 7.5/10

Harvey Milk - I Did Not Call Out

Maybe my brain is hung up on ‘milk’, but my first thought was - if Neutral Milk Hotel played metal. That should be considered a major insult. 5/10

Gorefest - Horrors in a Retarded Mind

Was OK. All a bit mid paced for my liking. 6.5/10

Mayhem - Life Eternal

One of the most malevolent, evocative riffs in all of black metal, and that descending bassline that sounds like walking down the steps to Hades. Atilla knows when to take the limelight and when to stfu. Euronymous says “hold my beer” while throwing in shrieking harmonised guitar solos which fit the music perfectly. 10/10
your comments on Fade to Black suck, guys. it might be blatant, so what? A great fucking tune. You deducted far too many points for this 10/10 track.

Bolt Thrower - The Killchain classic Bolt Thrower - arguably their most known song (according to various sources, including Spotify and It's a 10/10 track, but one point deducted for such a popular, lazy and seemingly easy choice. 9/10

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