Themed Mixtape Game Mk. 2

Vocals make or break bands for me too. I don't have an ear for "musical merits". I only rate stuff based on how much I enjoy it. If a song is just 'fine' but not particularly standing out to me in any way I'd give it a 6/10. If I find the vocals a bit annoying or unlikeable that goes down to 5/10. But if the vocals or something in the song is so annoying that someone is compelled to switch off the song immediately I see no problem with them rating it lower.
Vocals make or break bands for me too. I don't have an ear for "musical merits". I only rate stuff based on how much I enjoy it. If a song is just 'fine' but not particularly standing out to me in any way I'd give it a 6/10. If I find the vocals a bit annoying or unlikeable that goes down to 5/10. But if the vocals or something in the song is so annoying that someone is compelled to switch off the song immediately I see no problem with them rating it lower.

There's a difference in evaluating vocals on a case by case basis when giving a rating and just trashing a style of vocals that is intrinsic to an entire subgenre practically whenever it appears. It's not one vocalist - it's basically any vocals that are guttural or "extreme."

In general, I'm not the kind of person who is going to dismiss good music entirely because of vocals, but especially not in this situation where we are inevitably going to encounter subgenres outside of our comfort zone and are expected to give fair consideration to serious submissions. I mean, I think it's retarded that in an exercise like this a person can be so butthurt about vocals that they would drop a rating 4 or 5 or more points not just for one band, but repeatedly for whole vocal styles.

There's what you said in your post and then there's this:

Burkhard said:
Catacomb - The Key
While I do like the music and the lyrics are on topic, the vocals - unsurprisingly - just go on my nerves. 2/10

"This is great and it fits the theme but muh vocals. 2/10"
Exmortus - Foe Hammer - 9.5
Knew right off the bat this was going to be our opener. And it fucking slays! :kickass:

Arghoslent - The Grenadier - 6
I remember liking this album but this was pretty lackluster. A few good riffs but that opening riff is straight elementary garbage.

Necrot - The Blade - 7.5
A little too much mid paced chuggery for me but otherwise a nice solid slab of death metal.

Smoulder - Bastard Steel - 6.5
eh, nothing whatsoever stood out to me here. It was okay I guess

The Crown - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - 6.5
pedestrian death/thrash

Amulet - Siege Machine - 4.5
another pedestrian track. this one is about as ho-hum as it gets and the vocals are pretty damn annoying. This is like a 4th rate Iron Maiden knock off. No reason I'd ever want to hear this again.

Wehrmacht - Napalm Shower - 9.5
Fuck, this was a much needed injection of proper savagery and aggression.

The Accused - Bullet-Ridden Bodies - 7
Not bad

Heathen - Goblin's Blade - 10
perfection. Not a single weak point on this track.

Shackles - Cat o' Nine Tails - 8
That was pretty fucking cool. Will definitely be checking more of these guys out

Avenger - Warrior Path - 7
I liked it

Ice Nine Kills - Stabbing in the Dark - 4
the song title is on point ..... because I feel like I just got shived after hearing it.

Razor - Brass Knuckles - 9.5
To anyone that didn't like this track, know that im angered ... and when I reach in my pocket and find my weapon of brass ... I'll be planting my fist in your face and kicking your ass.

Eternal Champion - I Am the Hammer - 8
I dig this. Another band I need to check out

Bolt Thrower - The Killchain - 9
One of the best songs from what is arguably their best album. Also the perfect closer for this playlist.
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And the winner is....
@Burkhard with Goblin's Blade .....

1 - Heathen - Goblin's Blade - 8.15 @Burkhard
2 - Bolt Thrower - The Killchain - 7.80 @Opeth17
3 - Razor - Brass Knuckles - 7.73 @TechnicalBarbarity
4 - Shackles - Cat o' Nine Tails - 7.66 @CiG
5 - Eternal Champion - I Am the Hammer - 7.50 @EspaDa
6 - Smoulder - Bastard Steel - 7.43 @challenge_everything
7 - Exmortus - Foe Hammer - 7.39 @Baroque
8 - Wehrmacht - Napalm Shower - 7.18 @RadicalThrasher
9 - Necrot - The Blade - 7.04 @Sirjack
10 - Avenger - Warrior Path - 7.01 @Vegard Pompey
11 - Arghoslent - The Grenadier - 6.80 @no country for old wainds
12 - The Accused - Bullet-Ridden Bodies - 6.75 - @Bloopy
13 - The Crown - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - 6.66 @Slayed Necros
14 - Amulet - Siege Machine - 6.16 @zerostatic
15 - Ice Nine Kills - Stabbing in the Dark - 3.68 @arg
...judge it according to the standards of its own subgenre.
You might have a point there, if this was part of the rules of this game, but that has - at least explicitly - never been the case. Also, how do you know what the standards of a subgenre are, if you are not a fan of said genre?

...but giving it a 3 just because it's Death Metal...
1. Which part of "because it goes on my nerves" don't you understand?
2. Since you have avoided answering the question from my previous post: What kind of genre do you label the song by Atheist in the previous round?
3. What kind of genre do you label Death's album "Leprosy"?

...that they would drop a rating 4 or 5 or more points not just for one band, but repeatedly for whole vocal styles.
What exactly makes you think I'd have rated the songs in concern 7/10, 8/10 or even higher, if the vocals hadn't gone on my nerves? That's just wishful thinking on your part. As regards "for whole vocal styles", read what I wrote in my rating of the song by Atheist in the previous round. If you still don't understand, I can't help you.

has burkhard ever won before?!
Yes, because Slayed Necros whose submission had actually taken the 1st place hadn't submitted his ratings.

As regards the subject for the next round, you will have to wait until tomorrow.
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You might have a point there, if this was part of the rules of this game, but that has - at least explicitly - never been the case. Also, how do you know what the standards of a subgenre are, if you are not a fan of said genre?

It just seems like common sense to me to do that. At the very least it shows some basic respect for the traditional metal subgenres and the submissions selected from them..and it's really not that hard to figure out. I don't like Power Metal but I know which bands are well-regarded and have listened to enough to have some kind of baseline. There really aren't any rules here which is why retarded things like nitpicking about the theme in the first round or knocking points off a submission for a Death Metal band being "too popular" in the second round happen and skew the results.

1. Which part of "because it goes on my nerves" don't you understand?
2. Since you have avoided answering the question from my previous post: What kind of genre do you label the song by Atheist in the previous round?
3. What kind of genre do you label Death's album "Leprosy"?

What do you not understand about "goes on my nerves" being ridiculous criteria when it means dumping all over anything with guttural or extreme vocals? What do you not understand about having the capacity to fairly rate a song even if you're not a particular fan of a style?

We're already aware that you like Thrash and so vocals that hardly depart from Thrash vocals are obviously not what's under discussion here. When you don't crap all over the guttural vocals that are the trademark of most Death Metal just because they exist then we'll talk. I mean, I don't even know what point you're trying to make by highlighting some sketchy exceptions with thrashy vocals when I'm just using your OWN WORDS

"Bolt Thrower - The Killchain
The music isn't bad, but quite repetitive and as in the case of nearly any Death Metal band, I don't like the vocals. 3/10"

You've already indicated that you're going to dump on "nearly any Death Metal band" because of the vocals so I don't know why you're so offended to be called out on it.

What exactly makes you think I'd have rated the songs in concern 7/10, 8/10 or even higher, if the vocals hadn't gone on my nerves? That's just wishful thinking on your part. As regards "for whole vocal styles", read what I wrote in my rating of the song by Atheist in the previous round. If you still don't understand, I can't help you.

No, it's indicated by your words that I quoted above. Unless you're really trying to argue that what you said about Catacomb indicates that it was really a 4/10 and you only knocked off two points because of the vocals. What in that rating gives any indication that that song would be less than a 6/10 aside from the vocals? I don't need to sort through every post you've made to drag out all the times you've said the music was pretty good and then rated the song a 2 or 3 because of vocals. Just browsing these two rounds I don't think there's a single band you rated below a 4 out of 10 without mentioning the extreme vocals as the primary cause. Just admit you do this crap and own it since you obviously have no inclination to consider actually giving any of these bands a fair shake.
Some people understand and some never will, thus instead of wasting my time with further futile discussions, I'll leave it at this:


And now, finally back on topic:

The subject for this round is


I will also submit a song and rate all songs, but I won't include my ratings in the final result, which means they won't have any influence on the outcome of this round. I don't remember if this has ever been a rule in the original mixtape-game and I won't mind, if other hosts should do it differently. My pick will also be excluded from the final ranking, thus even in the - unlikely - case it should get the highest average rating, it won't win. I think the latter was - at least at some point - a rule in the original mixtape-game, but I won't mind if other hosts should allow for their own picks to win.
How he chooses to rate is totally subjective too tho, like maybe he’s an operatic singer or such so vocals are really important in his world. Guitars are most important in mine so I get what you’re saying but shrug, I can understand why someone else would rate differently. It’s good to see the tournaments being held again with new combatants
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