I thought you were the one who cared about your impressions on people. Hence, the hipsterity.
I do. I hate when people point out my bad grammar because I know it is terrible and have been trying to improve it since the famous newBLACKways days. Though, I guess I am still a hipster.
It took me a few years before I got into black metal. I felt it was too chaotic to comprehend so I listened to bands with the gothenburg sound instead. I remember that when I listened to Silencer for the first time, I started laughing at the vocals. I certainly didn't hate the band and I still don't like the vocals but the music more than makes up for it.
Most black metal, although I love it now.
Silencers' vocals are unique.
Not me. The only thing that kept me back at first was the whole anti-Christian aspect (back when I was a practicing Catholic), but now I'm cool with it. I remember I refused to get into Emperor because Samoth was a church burner. Haha.
I thought you were still a practicing Catholic, right?