Jester Slave
I'd consider Leeches as well.The main problem is that, if they do a greatest hits dvd, they should be doing, apart from TTL, the Come Clarity song, which means another ballad. So I don't think they'll be ading another song from that album. Also, when you see peoples comments about what songs to play live, there is a lot of people who asks for Crawl Through Knives, but, the problem is that I don't think that Anders can sing this song live as his voice is now.
As for choosing a better song than Resin, you have to remember these pre R2R songs have been released as official live material from the band:
Embody The Invisible (video+audio)
Bullet Ride (audio)
Jotun (video+audio)
Food For The Gods (vide+audio)
Moonshield (video+audio)
Clayman (video+audio
Swim (audio)
Behind Space (video+audio)
OFTW (v+a)
Gyroscope (a)
Scorn (a)
ORDINARY STORY (mah boy; audio)
Pinball Map (a+v)
Colony (a+v)
Episode 666 (a+v)
Now, exclude every song which are both on The Tokyo Showdown and Used and Abused. You have four albums with 0 songs having official audioboard and/or video about it performed live and you also have a slightly different fanbase. Now, to avoid another debate, let's just say there is overall a bigger need for the new material.
What do we get then? A bunch of older songs you guys said would be awesome live even today, so if we assume they are going to record this tour, it might explain why the hate. I mean, they would never do 35/65 ratio, but having ONE song from pre 2000 (or 2 from pre 2002 if it sounds even more extreme to you) is more than strange, though checking further in last year's setlist, it's not like they were much more generous with the older material.
STYE having 0 playtime is also strange; fans of Colony are treated better than the fans of STYE, which is something worth wrapping your head around. Even if they are going to shoot live material, at least one of the two most famous songs from the record could be played, but nope.
I think even if they will indeed shoot somel ive material, it does not justify the setlist and it's rigidity. Shouldn't you test your waters first, then by the time of december you'd know what songs you should keep playing from the new album. Also, having let's say 6 extra songs which come and go in the setlist would not just be most welcomed by fans who attend more shows, but by the time they are recording the show, they could just add those 6 songs to the setlist (so 25 songs overall) and record it that way, so even if you can't pull out 25 songs long sets from one day after another (for various reasons), you could surely do it once, and then every song you wished to present in its' live form could be released.
And about rigidity, I could understand they want to get warmed up with the new songs, but half of the set have been performed a million times, it's not like Björn will forget the solo for TTL or something like that.
So yeah, my conclusion is that the only effect of a possible live shooting is the lack of STYE songs and why they might've chosen Resin over songs like Jotun/Colony/Embody.
edit: also, playing more old songs for the sake of a live album would be pretentious as well. "Hey, buy or newest live dvd with 7 songs from pre 2002!!!", then at every other show they will just still play Resin, because for some reason they just don't want to play more. Umm, yeah, all I meant with this is that the lack of older songs doesn't mean they won't shoot live material, though I don't think anyone have stated the opposite