In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

Fuckin' hate that. It's such a nice and easy solo to play.

Exactly... there's being lazy, and then there's just being unprofessional. He borders on the latter when it comes to playing that solo live.

Holy fuck what a performance of Resin! Anders is almost death growling the entire song, a few screams even sound Colony-like.

He's growling because his throat can't handle the Colony/Clayman style of screaming anymore :D I don't blame him. A shame he isn't using those vocals for the songs they were meant for - TJR & Whoracle.

Oh, and another dead crowd for an old song :rolleyes:
Exactly... there's being lazy, and then there's just being unprofessional. He borders on the latter when it comes to playing that solo live.

I wonder why so much talk about jamming when its of no use for them. He doesn't care too much about live solos and the guitar solos from the new album are shit.
Livening things up here a bit. Listen, read, enjoy.

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Just imagine if IF were honorable, integral dudes that accepted and embraced the old school. Like, LOVED being the classic sci fi/folk theme metal songs they were as well as the new stuff.

65/35 or 60/40 new/old would be awesome. They would be so respected and a huge force to be dealt with in the metal world.

I just mean if they were dudes that loved their old shit as much as new stuff. They would be quite the epic metal band to see live. They insist on trying to breakout of that instead of realizing their full glory would be to honor the old stuff and keep 100% of the old fanbase as well as branch out into the new stuff. If they kept their honor they would be selling out 100% of the time and pleasing EVERYONE. Instead of signing off the old fans and just focusing on the new which just isn't the practical way to go. They're not going to be rock stars. Only people that sell out from the beginning can, they didnt' do that. Ergo, they should just be a group of dudes that realize MOST of their fans love ALL their shit and they should play at least 35% of their greatest, legendary shit live.
This one's for Krofius.

Listen to the entire song. You'll notice something weird at the end. I "WTF'd" out loud at it.

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giants. love the little 'oouh' hi gives at the end. he was always good at that.

Right. He goes from Silence in the beginning to Giants at the end.

I wonder if he even knows his own lyrics. Sure, it has been a while, but one would think that he would remember. ...Unless he actually does change the lyrics in the studio version as well so it is silence in the beginning and giants at the end.
I don't think it's rare that vocalists fuck up their lyrics, and if it's happening regularly, it's most probably intentional.


Question: How do you decide who will play which guitar theme live? Is Niclas playing Jesper's parts, or do you switch up a little?

Björn: We switch up, depending which is more comfortable for us. I play all the solos, because he's not really a solo player. Not that I am one, but I suck less at it than him (laughs). He enjoys the rhytmical parts more, and we try to play the harmony parts together. He did not play harmonies or melodies before, so he enjoys them. We are moving forward step by step. There are things we need to practice more, but we can play the faster paced songs immidietly.

If I listen to the songs in that DVD, even those from R2R and STYE, I seriously doubt that the new fans they can get with SC will like to listen to any of those songs. My opinion, 5 years more an no Trigger, no System (I love that song), no Cloud Connected nor even Touch of Red, Borders And Shading or Dial 595. Maybe The Quiet Place or My Sweet Shadow, but I also have doubts about those songs. This talking about the songs we can find on U&A. If we talk about later albums, maybe they can Play Come Clarity (the song) and some songs from ASOP, obviously TCP. But their shows will be mainly songs post Jesper departure.

After SC, STYE is their most accessible record, no way people wouldn't like those songs. Anders screams a lot, but still, they are easy to digest. Compare it to Come Clarity, that's a different story.
Trigger and Cloud Connected are also in that category, but same goes for Reroute To Remain (song).

edit: don't ask me why don't they play STYE then

Something else: is this legit, that they played TQP instead of Monsters?
Great. Now just rip out the shitheap of a song titled The Chosen Pessimist and throw in a couple of songs from TJR/Whoracle... at least then all the albums except Lunar Strain get some representation.
This one's for Krofius.

Listen to the entire song. You'll notice something weird at the end. I "WTF'd" out loud at it.

It was already established more than a week ago he's been saying Giants mostly (except for the first chorus in the video you linked and possibly some other times) since 2006 when they started playing the song again, it's because he's just reading his old lyrics. However, on the album version song, he is saying silence in all choruses, and on the Colony tour when they played it, he also sang silence, therefor, I think it's quite logical that is the actual lyrics. I think the lyrics must me mis-printed, otherwise I'm very skeptical to why he sang silence all the time back then when the song was fresh.
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After SC, STYE is their most accessible record, no way people wouldn't like those songs. Anders screams a lot, but still, they are easy to digest. Compare it to Come Clarity, that's a different story.
Trigger and Cloud Connected are also in that category, but same goes for Reroute To Remain (song).

I don't lnow how new fans (and by new I'm talking those non metal fans that will find IF first time with this album) will react to screams. I can only imagine by the reactions of people I know.

When I show OFTW to my wifw she is like: I like the song but the screams...

If I show something from the last two albums to my aunt (or if it's his son the one who does) she is like: not bad but I'm not into rock (I must say that my aunt is a music lover, specially when it comes to pop). If I (or we) show to her anything prior to ASOP she is like : "STOP WITH THE NAZI SCREAMS!" (that last is literal).
Regarding Björn' words. Ir the two of them are not solo playera then, what the hell do they do when jamming? Do they jam rythms por what?
I don't lnow how new fans (and by new I'm talking those non metal fans that will find IF first time with this album) will react to screams. I can only imagine by the reactions of people I know.

When I show OFTW to my wifw she is like: I like the song but the screams...

If I show something from the last two albums to my aunt (or if it's his son the one who does) she is like: not bad but I'm not into rock (I must say that my aunt is a music lover, specially when it comes to pop). If I (or we) show to her anything prior to ASOP she is like : "STOP WITH THE NAZI SCREAMS!" (that last is literal).
My cousin is a huge electronic-music lover, he himself likes to toy around and make such music, goes to clubs, etc., so he is as far from metal as someone could get. His favourite IF tracks are still OFTW, Take This Life, The Quiet Place, Come Clarity, Alias, Liberation. Emphasis on the first tracks, of course.

He doesn't listen to IF regularly and he said SC is nothing special; Through Oblivion is good and that's all. So, in short, I don't think you can be hooked into IF without liking some aspects of metal, whether the melody riffs or the screams, or both. Ie. if someone goes to an IF show because he thinks Through Oblivion and WEWO are 10/10 tracks he will be disappointed.

Do you think Trigger or Cloud Connected would be hard to digest for someone who likes SC? I'm convinced that if you and me were to make a best of album from pre R2R songs for the newcomers (meaning only the songs both of us agrees on can be on the record), they would love it. It's mainly LS and TJR which are scary at first. Okay, LS is fucking scary for the 10th time as well :D
No. I think will be hard forma someone who's first approach to IF is SC and is not into extreme metal. I mean, someone who has not been interested in their music until now might have its own reasons.
Also I think of SC as, at least, a change as radical as R2R was to the previous releases.
I completely remastered their show in Gothenburg in 2002. The original files were quite flat so I changed the equalization completely so the guitars sound more like on Reroute To Remain.

So this is the origial file for System:


And this is the new version:


There is a quite nice version of Gyroscope on that show, I will post it here when it's ready.
Listening to the bootleg from Kansas in 2000... some dude shouts out "JESTER RACE", Anders - "No way. I don't even know that CD anymore, sorry. I'm just kidding, I have it. But we're not going to play it."

:D trolling people about TJR only 4 years after it was released. Asshole.
Listening to the bootleg from Kansas in 2000... some dude shouts out "JESTER RACE", Anders - "No way. I don't even know that CD anymore, sorry. I'm just kidding, I have it. But we're not going to play it."

:D trolling people about TJR only 4 years after it was released. Asshole.

This is actually brilliant.
I remember that.

I wish I hadn't lost all those files from that torrent.

I really liked the Colony performance from the "2001 Popstaad" show.

Jotun played at "Waldrock" was cool too
So here it is, Gyroscope from their live in Gothenburg in 2002 but with a way better sound than what you are used to:


And The Tokyo Showdown like you've never, ever heard it before:

Good job on those tracks bro. Anders sounds pretty bad on the 2002 Gyroscope performance, but to be honest he sounds bad on almost all 2002 recordings I've heard. I have a show from London in 2002 and he's terrible in that too, he can't even scream, he's just yelling. Seoul 2002 is pretty difficult listening too. His vocals were really fucked up around that period it seems.