In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

I have ears, man. I didn't see a single video where he nails Paralyzed. I've seen them live, that song was awful. He was amazing on other songs, but he is terrible on this one. Anders is starting to lose his voice for real, just listen to his voice in the interviews, it's fucking broken. He should have worked a little bit his instrument, now I fear it's too late for him.
I have ears, man. I didn't see a single video where he nails Paralyzed. I've seen them live, that song was awful. He was amazing on other songs, but he is terrible on this one. Anders is starting to lose his voice for real, just listen to his voice in the interviews, it's fucking broken. He should have worked a little bit his instrument, now I fear it's too late for him.

This is what happens when someone thinks that improving his voice is singing in the shower.

But, this is something some of us said before, that you cannot (or shouldn't) make things at the study that you cannot do live (properly sing the songs).
But, this is something some of us said before, that you cannot (or shouldn't) make things at the study that you cannot do live (properly sing the songs).

No, you take the problem sideways. I have no problem with the vocals being awesome on records.

You say he shouldn't do awesome vocals on records, I say he should, but should work to get them right on stage.
No, you take the problem sideways. I have no problem with the vocals being awesome on records.

You say he shouldn't do awesome vocals on records, I say he should, but should work to get them right on stage.

That's exactly what I said.
No. You said he should not do amazing vocals in the studio because he can't do them live.

I say he has the right to do amazing vocals in the studio but he should work to get things right on stage.

Really not the same thing.
No. You said he should not do amazing vocals in the studio because he can't do them live.

I say he has the right to do amazing vocals in the studio but he should work to get things right on stage.

Really not the same thing.

Let's see. I'm saying that he shouldn't do things at the studio that he cannot do live. Then you're saying that he should improve his vocals live so that they're right, which might mean the closest to what he did at the studio. That's basically the same thing but with different words.

I'm not denying him the right to do amazing vocals at the studio (I really wish that one day he will). I'm just saying that those amazing vocals might be a refelction of his improvement, and the improvement is shown when playing live. If he is a worst singer live than in the studio, then the merits behind his amazing vocals are not his own merits.
Let's see. I'm saying that he shouldn't do things at the studio that he cannot do live. Then you're saying that he should improve his vocals live so that they're right, which might mean the closest to what he did at the studio. That's basically the same thing but with different words.

No. That's not the same thing at all. Use your Spaniard brain.
Anders screams on Bullet Ride from the Rock am Ring performance video are great. Don't watch the video, just listen.

Ignore the verses, and just listen audio only to the bridge/choruses.

3:22 - 3:26 Right before the main breakdown(one of the best guitar riffs ever): "Run down memoirs is all that's LEFT!" was the first time Anders has sounded in my ears like he did when he was younger. Reminiscent of his screams both on the record and how he sounded live in that 2000-2001 era.
Anders screams on Bullet Ride from the Rock am Ring performance video are great. Don't watch the video, just listen.

Ignore the verses, and just listen audio only to the bridge/choruses.

3:22 - 3:26 Right before the main breakdown(one of the best guitar riffs ever): "Run down memoirs is all that's LEFT!" was the first time Anders has sounded in my ears like he did when he was younger. Reminiscent of his screams both on the record and how he sounded live in that 2000-2001 era.

Hmm, you're right, it's a pretty solid performance on Bullet Ride. He struggles a bit at the end, but overall it's good.

It's nice, regardless, that they're throwing a couple of songs from Clayman into a smaller setlist. It's the album that showcases them at their best, and they can still pull some of the songs off live.

I've said for a while I think the reason the band switched to more singing after Come Clarity was that Anders' vocals can't handle an entire set of mostly screaming material. Their only options were to shorten the set significantly or for newer releases not have so much screaming. They obviously went for the latter, and sometimes it works - SOAPF was very good despite not having that many growls or screams (except A New Dawn, which doesn't seem to be played live much if at all).

Performances like Bullet Ride @ Rock Am Ring give me some hope that the band can still produce something much better than Siren Charms, though I never expect to hear an album featuring even 50% screams ever again.
Here's the full performance exluding OFTW and Everything's Gone

Just watched this, and in terms of performance (IMO)...

Bullet Ride - 8/10 - Anders actually sounds really good on this one. Verses nothing special, but the growls/screams are all almost as good as the album.

Where The Dead Ships Dwell - 3/10 - Instrumentally fine, but the vocals are just terrible. One of my favourite songs on SOAPF but there's no ProTools to save Anders here. They should have made the backing pre-recorded vocals louder to mask Anders on the chorus, at least. Also, I dunno if it's just the recording, but when Anders asks the crowd to sing the chorus it sounds like nobody does.

Paralyzed - 4/10 - The guitars sound a bit more powerful live, which is good. Again, Anders cannot do the chorus. He sounds in pain. The verses of this song are fucking boring live.

Alias - 5/10 - Same as above, really. Anders' cleans are bad, but he pulls off the growls OK. The interlude in the middle of this song is one of the few highlights of ASOP, harking back to the older era briefly.

Deliver Us - 4/10 - I like this song, but again, the vocals here ruin it for me. Another chorus that Anders can't replicate live. He's barely even singing the chorus at this point, it's mostly the pre-recorded vocals from the speakers doing the work. The rest of the band do a good job with the instrumental parts, as always.

Cloud Connected - 7/10 - I love how this song sounds live. The vocals for this weren't exactly stellar on the album, so it doesn't matter so much that Anders' cleans are poor live. They're basically the same as on the album anyway. This song got a good reaction from the crowd, too.

The Quiet Place - 7/10 - Another song that translates very well live. Again, because the album vocals weren't ProTooled to hell, Anders' vocals give a faithful rendition live too. The giant dick being thrust into the air in the crowd adds an extra mark to this live vid :D

Delight and Angers - 0/10 - Fuck off. This song should be set on fire and never heard from again. Something from TJR, Whoracle or Colony should be here, not this shitheap of a track. Why have 3 ASOP songs on the set when there's only 2 off SOAPF and SC? At least throw another Come Clarity song in there (except if it's Scream, then never mind).

The Mirror's Truth - 6/10 - More growls in this one, so it's already better than a lot of the newer tracks. Anders lets the pre-recorded vocals do the chorus work again. It's probably for the best at this point.

Take This Life - 7/10 - A call out to Papa Roach, Lamb of God and Slipknot. Not a great way to open. This is actually a fucking hard song to do live vocally due to the speed, so I can give Anders a pass even if the chorus is a bit of a disaster again. He does the low growls well. Another song that translates well live in spite of the chorus vox. Daniel actually had to wake up to play this one.

I'll just assume Everything's Gone sucked as bad as it does on the album.

For me, the older songs (basically Come Clarity backwards) were good/okay. They're still fun to listen to. The songs from ASOP onwards generally sound terrible live, though. Mainly down to the vocals, but there a noticeable decline in quality between the songs pre and post-2006.
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So, adding all that up brings your total to 51/100, which I think falls squarely in the "I want my money back" range for going to a given concert. Naturally, Anders' blatant inability to sing is the biggest thing holding them back. Seriously guys, cut him loose already and pick up a vocalist that doesn't totally blow.

Still, vocals aside, the other big problem is that the manner in which they play most of these songs is just so lethargic, which in turn saps any and all potential energy out of the performance. Granted, a lot of that is because Daniel has to keep strictly in time with the backing track which doesn't give them any leeway to cut loose and start rocking out (maybe if they didn't write songs based around keyboards so much).
So, adding all that up brings your total to 51/100, which I think falls squarely in the "I want my money back" range for going to a given concert. Naturally, Anders' blatant inability to sing is the biggest thing holding them back. Seriously guys, cut him loose already and pick up a vocalist that doesn't totally blow.

Everything's Gone and OFTW would both have got below a 5/10, and weren't included in that vid, so my overall marks would likely be below 50%.

But then, based on their current setlists, I wouldn't go to watch them live in the first place.
I've said for a while I think the reason the band switched to more singing after Come Clarity was that Anders' vocals can't handle an entire set of mostly screaming material. Their only options were to shorten the set significantly or for newer releases not have so much screaming. They obviously went for the latter, and sometimes it works - SOAPF was very good despite not having that many growls or screams (except A New Dawn, which doesn't seem to be played live much if at all).

Just watch Paralyzed. He screams on those clean parts like the chorus for instance. So he can't scream anymore but he screams on clean parts anyway?

That's absurd.
Just watch Paralyzed. He screams on those clean parts like the chorus for instance. So he can't scream anymore but he screams on clean parts anyway?

That's absurd.

It's not the same thing to scream every song during a tour than screaming from time to time.