In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

Oooh, sexy quality. It has quite the different vibe compared to the original one, but I like it. I wouldn't make it a staple, but as many other currently unplayed IF songs, it could get an appearance here and there.

The thing is, I can get a disgusting discount for train travels.

It's played in A# instead of G#
LQ 1min 30s samples for The Ride Majestic were posted.
To be honest, even with the poor quality it sounds mindblowing. Can't wait.

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Yup listening to it now 3songs in and it definitely fucking rules. It's kinda weird from listening to the preview like 10+ times I expect the songs to end after a while like in the previews lol.

EDIT: After first listen, holy fuck man. It truly is a masterpiece. Father and Son is EASILY my favorite song, nothing comes close to it. That pre-chorus and chorus is just 12/10, and sick guitar melody underneath the chorus. I also love the unique verse of it. And Dirk is simply a beast on the drums. There's lots of heavy stuff on the album but also really cool mellow stuff and in-between stuff. Great album.
Yup listening to it now 3songs in and it definitely fucking rules. It's kinda weird from listening to the preview like 10+ times I expect the songs to end after a while like in the previews lol.

EDIT: After first listen, holy fuck man. It truly is a masterpiece. Father and Son is EASILY my favorite song, nothing comes close to it. That pre-chorus and chorus is just 12/10, and sick guitar melody underneath the chorus. I also love the unique verse of it. And Dirk is simply a beast on the drums. There's lots of heavy stuff on the album but also really cool mellow stuff and in-between stuff. Great album.

Agreed, that one is amazing.
I kind of ruined it for myself by stitching together two of the samples of it together and listening to a 3 minute version of it in the past couple of weeks though.

Death in General is another highlight for me personally, just love that chorus.

Whirl of Pain with that stop/go riff and those vocals.. goosebumps.
I'm so happy that Soilwork are fucking hype again. They truly deserve it.


I think one of the best strengths that they have which allows them to keep such a high standard recently is because of the depth they have in the band.
All members except for the bassist play guitar and compose for the band. Björn contributed something like 7 songs for The Living Infinite, and 3-4 on this one.
Dirk a few here and there, and the rest by the Sylvain/David dedicated guitar duo.

Compare that to something like IF where all of the songwriting duties have fallen on Björn, and it's clear why they might rely on very similar sounding riffs.
Album just grows man, so damn good. Soilwork/Björn best fucking choruses and vocals in Metal, imo. Love listening to new songs when you discover and hear new things all the time, especially the awesome guitar melodies.

Highlights so far are Father and Son, Enemies in Fidelity, Petrichor By Sulphur, Aspire Angelic & Shining Lights. The two ballads are also really good.
I've never been impresed by a Soilwork album, until now. Everything here is amazing. And Bjorn is singing better than ever.
Might just be new album hype, but the pre-chorus and chorus of Father and Son might be be the best stuff I've heard in Metal in years. The guitar melody underneath the chorus man...Like around 1:49-1:55, it's just in beautiful harmony with the vocals. Plus, really good and relatable lyrics in the song. Solo is great too. This album might beat The Living Infinite seriously. It's like a continuation but with some twists and experiments and also some really nice tremolos (The Phantom anyone).

Aspire Angelic has a really cool middle-easternish chorus also, sounds really weird at first but it grows. I love how Dirk is going ham on the drums on all songs as well.

I saw some people complaining about the outro of Enemies in Fidelity, the part where it's like distant blastbeats with piano and trumpets playing, I think it's really cool. If you dislike blast-beats in general I can understand it I guess.
There are two insanely awesome blastbeats on Alight In The Aftermath. These parts totally blow my mind every time I listen to that song.

The Phantom is so cool too, and there is something totally insane about Death In General.
Current rip is VBR though, but shouldn't really be noticable when CBR quality comes out though, barely hearably since the VBR isn't low on any of the songs anyway.

Cant wait to hear the two bonus tracks that should pop up tomorrow or in the weekend.
Some news from Jesper

I decided it was time for me to write something about the current situation with me. As you noticed I been pretty inactive with the band and with updating my site e t c. Want to explain a little why. I am battling severe depression and anxietyproblems, and have done for over 20 years now. My problem at least 5/10 times have to take the easy way out. I been drinking, and threw back what ever I get my hands on, just to numb my constant pain both in my broken soul and body. Im on a great program now that will take me back to the person I once was, and are very positive about it, so don´t doubt I will be back! Obviously with my family in The Resistance, finishing my soloalbum and other projects. But I have to get well first, thats my nr 1 prority. But I pick up the axe everyday and I find it more and more exciting to play again!

I want to give my apologies for people that came from far to see the real Line-up with TR this summer, and I havent be able to do it. Im really sorry about that. But be sure I be back with a vengeance! I will fight my demons till the day I die, and I will play til the day I day die.... I do everything in my power to get better. And Im on the right path. See you on stage somewhere soon, and my soloalbum will be in Ur ears soon. This takes time, but I will FIGHT! I would be so glad if you have you guys behind me! Love ya all. May the force be with you!!!!!

Love & Respect To the Death