I love how unpredictable this album is. It just cannot cease to split and break and the pace is ever changing.
It's like a regular Soilwork album but cut thin and shuffled. There are blastbeats in almost every song but still both cleans and growls in every song.
It's not one fast paced song, one calm song, one brutal song, etc. It's 45 seconds of brutal, then 30 seconds of calm, then another brutal 45 seconds, then fast paced for a minute, etc... And even a mix of calm and brutal with lyric clean vocals on blastbeats. It's such a perfect mess.
If you take All Along Echoing Paths for instance. You have old school death metal riffs, tons of blastbeats, a very modern melodic pre-chorus with guitar melodies in it, a very catchy double chorus with tons of melancholic cleans, etc. All that shit only in a single fucking song. And I love how the chorus hits your face without prior notice.
There are things that are not supposed to fit but that fit surprisingly well, like this weird totally pop-ish bridge in the begining of The Phantom. That very modern pop-ish bridge is surrounded by old school melodeath riffing and it somehow fits perfectly. There are quite a lot of good surprises in this album and after a lot of listens, I still just can't choose which songs I would like to see live because I'd like to see all of them. I still just can't chose a favorite.
It looks like they really found a new recipe that works and they not only redefined themselves, they defined a brand new kind of melodeath. I mean, just wait for the army of American wannabes playing death metal with clean vocals on blastbeats. Amongst the bunch of old school players (At The Gates, In Flames Dark Tranquillity, Soilwork), these guys are by far the ones that sound the best right now. Dark Tranquillity somehow managed to get incredibly boring and unsurprising, there is a lot of In Flames bashing and they are not in their top shape right now. With Soilwork, it's quite different. They definitely never been better than now, since The Living Infinite, the Live in the Heart of Helsinki and now The Ride Majestic. I'm really looking forward to where they are in, let's say, three albums from now, but I bet it's gonna be very interesting.