Well guess we have divided opinions then. The chugging riffs are very simple but they convey the sound/feeling they are supposed to.
Yeah, in mediocre HC bands.
Also would be hard to fit all that and make it good in A New Dawn, it's two different soundscapes.
Brutal riffing can be interesting. This is just average. Something guitar players do while warming up, or trying out new strings.
And come on, you're saying that even the worst song on Clayman is better than everything post-Clayman? You really prefer let's say ''As the Future Repeats Today'' which is IMO the worst song on the album and for me the song is just okay, it really sounds like Anders vocals is in a higher pitch than he's capable of and the riffs and melodies aren't that special either. You're saying you prefer that song over ALL songs of R2R to SoaPF? I highly doubt that.
Nope, not saying that. There are many songs post-2000 better then half of that album.
BTW ATFRT is my least favorite song of Clayman (it belongs on RTR

Just saying that I would like to hear some quality melodic riffing and beautiful harmonized melody, some nice growls, thought out song with acoustic guitars, eerie electronics, female vocals.
I think you don't understand what I don't like about modern IF. They are like Coca-Cola. Sometimes it is warm and shitty (ASOP). Sometimes it is sweet and quite enjoyable (CC), but ultimately part of fast food culture.
I want a good wine, not coke. Something not easily consumed, or not consumed on mass scale, but something that has real value. Something I will remember 10 years from now.
So, if Anders was a good singer, I would like IF doing clean vocals. Just like I love this lady doing chorus. If all their songs had this cool electro thingy, I would love them for doing electro pop, or trance, or ambiental black metal, whatever.
As this is not the case, I'm sticking with my theory that, individual songs and moments aside, IF were a great band prior to going nu/trendy/whatever.