This really pisses me off. This is a retweet the community manager made on their official twitter:
"All these fake fans talking shit about Siren Charms all of a sudden shut the fuck up when they heard "Everything's Gone" lol".
THen there are people claiming that the band don't care about the fans or people thoughts when they are making the songs. Well, what I see from here is that they only care for those ass lickers who eat whatever shit comes out form Anders ass.
Obviously they don't read these forums then

What's a "fake fan" anyway? Does it mean In Flames only consider you a fan if you speak positively about everything they do? If you love the older stuff but don't really like the newer stuff and give reasons why, that makes you a fake?
It's a really shitty thing for them to retweet. Even if that is what they feel privately (and I'm fairy sure Anders does feel this way) why would you broadcast it publicly and potentially alienate fans who may still come to your shows and buy your merch?